Never-Ending Preformance

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Percival immediately tried sweeping my leg but I jumped backwards.

"Banshee get behind me!" I said as she did just that.

"Let's see just how well you do against this."

A blue bow formed out of thin air and into his hands. He drew his bow and fired an arrow made of water at me. I dodged it and tried closing the distance between us. He kept firing more and more at me but I outmaneuvered them. I swung my blade but his bow turned into two short blades and he blocked my sword with one before trying to slash at me with the other. I dodged the slash attempt and pulled back before trying to slash at him with multiple strike. He blocked and parried all of my attacks before pushing me back by deflecting my blade with great force.

Water began to form around him in great intensity before a gargantuan whale made of water came blasted out from behind him.

"Astro look out!" Banshee cried before flying away out of reach.

I ran to the right as the whale began to fall where I was standing and barely dodged it. I turned around and the whale exploded into a tital wave. Percival began riding the wave coming directly at me and hopped off the water and slammed his foot at me but I blocked it with my sword. He bounced back and slammed his swords together turning it into a double tipped spear. He attacked me and I slashed back at him. He did a spin and used the other side of his spear to attack me. I barely managed to block it. I slashed down on his spear and split it in half. He bounced back a couple of steps.

"Not bad! I might have to take this more seriously!" He said.

Water formed around him completely this time completely submerging him.
Suddenly, purple electricity began forming around the water. The water exploded with a powerful electrifying aura.

"Let's see how you can handle the delusion."

"What's going on? What's he doing?" Banshee said.

Percival now had a mask on his face and had more purple colored clothes. His dual blades were now purple with electricity forming around it.

Percival charged at me way faster than before and slashed at me with his dual swords. I could barely dodge the attacks. I swung my sword at him and landed but it was only his afterimage. He completely disappeared.

"Too slow!" He said right after he disappeared and wrapped around behind me and attempted to decapitate me however, I barely ducked out of the way. He immediately turned around to impale me with his other sword.

I rolled out of the way and got up. He immediately closed the distance to strike at me 4 times. I blocked the first 2 but he grazed me on the last two. The first attack grazed my arm and the other my stomach.

I slashed at his face and he dodged it effortlessly. He immediately tried punishing my failed attempt by striking me which I moved away to the right and he used his other blade to try and follow my movements. I barely managed to outmaneuver his strike but I fell on the floor.

Percival kicked me in the stomach and sent me flying over to the steps to Lapis Dei's body. I tried to get up but I was getting tired.

"Astro!" Banshee flew over to me and tried to help me up.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. I would have killed you ages ago if it wasn't for your swordsmanship. Sabrina has every right to be wary of you." He smashed his swords together to form the spear again and spun it around before thrusting it towards me.

I immediately got up and used wind magic to keep the spear at bay by pushing it back however, he was strong enough to slowly push through. So, at the last second was enough time to let me recover my footing. I moved my leg across the ground and summoned earth spikes to shoot at him from behind.

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