Dance With The God of Vortex

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"Be careful! Even the bravest of warriors wills will break against the might of an Ancient God." Meilian said.

"Milady!" I turned around and both Yang Jiao and Chuangxia were behind us.

"Finally! More warriors. Where are The Xian?"

"Right here." Sky Retainer said. Waking Moon appeared next to her.


"The God of Vortex was reawakened?" Sky Retainer said.

"Yes, and we must work together to fight him. Jiaolong is very powerful. He is strong enough to rival Lapis Dei in the past. So, please be on guard everyone!" She said.

"How are we supposed to beat someone that can fight Lapis Dei?" Banshee asked.

"I-I'll think of something." She stuttered before becoming serious.

"We will enter defense mode but we still need Atlus. So for now... I'll be on offense." She placed her hands together and closed her eyes. A yellow aura surrounded her. The Temple began to glow and summon large spear-like rocks and fired them at Jiaolong. The spears blew up causing massive explosions on the giant serpent heads.

The Serpent began charging something from its mouth.

"Great..." Meilian muttered before putting her hands together again.

They fired a beam of water at us. I immediately rushed over to Banshee and shielded her from the blast but it never came.


I looked up and there was a large forcefield around the Temple. I got back up stunned. Banshee looked behind us.

"Look!" She cried.

"MILADY!" Yang Jiao yelled.

Meilian coughed up blood as she fell to the ground and was injured greatly. The forcefield broke soon after.

"Can you stand?" Waking Moon said while walking up to her.

"Yes." She slowly stood up while using Waking Moon as a support.

"We should start the spell." Waking Moon said before he started glowing with yellow aura. Sky Retainer did as well.

"What's happening?" Banshee asked.

"They are restarting the defense process. We'll have to protect them until the spell is finished." Chuangxia said.

I nodded.

"INCOMING!" Yang Jiao yelled.

I turned around and now there was a large magic platform just around the Temple along us to stand on the air surrounding the area. A large portal opened up right there. Many Talons Agents started pouring from the portals onto said platform.

"They never know when to quit." I said.

I rushed towards them alongside Yang Jiao who was only slightly ahead of me and slashed them with a wind blade pushing several of them back. Yang Jiao slashed up several more of them in quick motion while Chuangxia used her bow to fire from a distance. When the arrows landed the agents were frozen in place. Yang Jiao rushed a few more before doing a horizontal spin and kicked a few agents in the face while swinging her blade as if it was a buzzsaw trying to slash anything she hits.

A fire bullet was coming her way immediately after. The bullet looked to be 1 and a half centimeters away from her face before she realized it was coming for her. She caught the fire bullet with her bare hand. When she let go of it the bullet was gone and there was a small burn on her hand.

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