Cursed Blood

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We got into fighting positions. Banshee cowered behind me as the dragon roared. Its claws sank deep into the platform. It blasted wind at me and the others. I barely managed to react.

"It's too fast!" Andre cried.

Grace and Andre began to zip around the platform. Nocus casted a large tornado from under the platform breaking through trying to cut them off. It was much slower than that blast of wind due to this they were able to dodge it. I saw he wasn't attacking Gale.

Gale pulled out the flute and began to play it. Immediately Nocus erupted at him and tried to slash him with his fearsome talons. I pushed Gale out of the way. We dashed over to the sidelines.

"Dammit, thought that would work!" Gale said.

"We should focus on a plan." I said. "Grace and Andre won't last long."

"Nocus isn't attacking me most likely because he still cares for me. That poison is making him crazy, but I do sense he's holding back significantly."

Gale looks at me.

"I have an idea."

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's incredibly risky. I have just enough magic to cast a spell to boost your speed. I want you to get to where his wound is and stab the poison out."

"Gotcha." I said.

"But! The poison could infect you! You aren't a God or a Demi God. You can't endure that."

"It is risky.. It all relies on if I still have at least some of my powers before I got here. I'll bet on that. Anything for my sister."

The platform rumbled and immediately Andre and Grace got sent flying into a wall.

"Besides, this is our only shot."

He chuckled. "You're reckless. I like you." He said while casting a spell on me. He fell onto the ground while Banshee took care of him. Nocus let out a low growl while his eyes pierced my soul.

I took a step forward. I felt a small hand grab mine. I turned and saw Banshee with a worried look on her face. "Please be okay!" She said.

I nodded and smiled. She let go and I charged at the dragon. It tried swiping at me and I dodged it. I ran up its scaley arm and zipped around its neck. I stabbed it right on the wound and purple blood spilled out onto my arm. Nocus cried in pain. He shook me off onto its back. I saw more wounds on it's lower back. I jabbed my sword down into its back and my dull blade snapped in half. It cried more. The blood splashed onto my face. It began to burn badly. Suddenly, I was flung up into the air when Nocus jumped from the pain. I started falling seemingly into the eye of the storm below, but I felt something grab my hand. I looked up and saw Grace and Andre trying to pull me up. Banshee tried making sure they could lift me by tugging on their ruined clothes. They pulled me up.

We saw Nocus was weak. Gale began to heal both of their wounds. The poison began to dissipate. Nocus seemed to have fainted. Gale rushed over to us.

"Astro! You did it!" He saw the blood on my arm and face.

"Woah wait?" He examined it more. "It's not effecting you?" The blood started burning up into thin air.

"How did you do that?" Andre said.

I chuckled.

"Just a bit of luck and Gale's magic."

"Right." He said. I knew he didn't buy it.

Nocus reawaked.

"Adad. God of The Wind." Nocus said.

"It talks?!?" Banshee screeched.

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