The Xian

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Not too long after we ate. We immediately began to find the Xian. It's been a few hours after Lapis Dei has been assassinated. We started climbing up the mountains overlooking the city. There were small houses scattered around the area. Old ruins as well but thankfully no Ruin Guards.

"I can feel the breeze. This place is beautiful." Banshee said.

"I agree."

The sun set and I turned around to see the city. The lights shining in the darkness looked beautiful. We found another house with someone sitting outside.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Hm?" Said the man.

"Do you know where I can find a Shrine for The Xian?"

"Ah, it's not too far from here." He pointed at a large mountain with trees on top. "Just up there. Are you planning on making an offering?" He asked.

"No, I am sending them a message."

"Huh? No offense but The Xian won't show their faces to a nobody. You gotta be real important to get them to show."

"Don't worry. He can deliver it still!" Banshee said.

"Well, be careful. It's getting dark."

"Thank you."

We started walking towards the mountain. It was a pretty long but we made it to the top. A small tree stood above a table and some seats. Water surrounded the little peace of land. Small rocks led to the patch of land. Looking over the area was a small shrine.

"Look it's the Shrine!"

I walked up to it and placed the stone on the box. It began glowing but nothing else happened. We waiting for a minute and still nothing happened.

I heard the flapping of wings behind me. I turned and saw a Crane. They swooped down to land on a branch of the tree.

"You. Where did you get that." It said.

"That! That crane just talked?" Banshee questioned.

"Are you The Xian?"

"Yes, now human. Don't waste my time. Why did you summon me?"

"I came to tell you that Lapis Dei has been murdered."

The Crane stood there. Seemingly unable to comprehend what I said.

"There's... No way. I'm not saying you are lying. I'm smart enough to understand that you are important enough to get your hands on that stone."

They flew down to the table.

"Come. Sit." They said.

We walked up to the table and sat down.

"I can tell you aren't from around here. What nation do you hail from?"


"I see. Do you even know what The Xian are?"

I shook my head.

"We are the Beasts who have achieved Near Godhood. We defend the Nation. Why did you seek me out?"

"I'd like to clear my name. Máoyi thinks I was the one who killed Lapis Dei."

"Hmm. Well then. Go search for Waking Moon. He lives near the bamboo forest."


"He can tell who's lying and who's not. If you could prove your innocence. I'll let Meilian know."

"Who's that?" Banshee asked.

"She's the one who runs the economy of Máoyi. She lives in the Jade Temple overlooking the land."

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