The Talons

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We walked through the bustling city and saw Grace talking to a woman in a suit. She wore a mask covering her face.

"You have to let us handle these matters as he could reawaken."

"As the leader of the knights I forbid you from acting on these matters. Attacking one of the 4 winds could doom our country." Grace said.

"Hmph, And simply let him attack the city in few months or years? Clearly this city is in worse shape then we thought." The lady said with a huff. She walk away and stops to look at me and Banshee. Gave us a glare and stormed off. We walked up to Grace who looked stressed. 

"You ok?" I asked

"I'm fine."

"Who was that girl?" Banshee asked.

"Hm." She seemed hesitate to tell.

"You did help us about that circumstance in the village. So I suppose I can trust you."

"You can tell us." Banshee said.

"Well first off I believe you were told about the names of the Wind God correct?"

I nodded.

"Well, those were lies. You see those names belong to the 4 Winds. Protectors of our Nation. We had to keep them a secret to the public due to an incident 4 years ago. We had to change many transcripts to protect them. People would try to hunt them down after the incident so we pretended to make an error in translating old books and folklore."

"What's the incident?" I asked.

"I'll tell you but first i'll answer your first question."

"She is apart of the Talons. A military group set on stopping world ending threats. Problem is they want to hurt one of the 4 winds. 4 years ago a small town was attacked by one of them. They fled to a unknown location and we've been tracking him ever since. Unfortunately we cannot find him."

"Which wind did it?" Banshee asked.

"Notus. The Storm Dragon."

"Why did he attack?" I asked.

"No idea. We assume it's due to a large scale event that happened across the continent. Although what happened here was a lot different from what other people from other regions described. Our God and Notus fought another Dragon. One that came from Dragonborn Mountain." Grace said.

"How long ago was that?" I asked.

"500 years ago. We haven't a clue why he chose to wait until 4 years ago to attack."

I thought about what Gale said. Maybe he was in pain after the fight with the Dragon of Death.

There was a short pause. 

"Well then, I'll be off. I have some paperwork to fill out. Do stay away from The Talons. I do fear they have more power over this country then I'd like. Do not be afraid to fight if needed. I believe they are suspicious. Oh and keep the 4 Winds a secret." She said as she walked away.

We went into the Church and saw a girl making a prayer while Gale sat at the pews eating an apple quite audibly.

"Could you please stop that." The lady asked nicely.

"Stop what?" He took another bite. He turned to look at us. "Hey! What took you so long?"

"We got held up." I said.

"Never mind that I need your help. I need to barrow something."


"A special flute. It belonged to some god or whatever."

"Why do you need it?"

"To call that friend of mine." Gale turned to the girl.


"Eh?" She looked stuned as she was distracted.

"I'm going to need the Holy Flute."

"W-What?! You can't just ask that?" 

"Why not?"

"Because it's sacred! Only the true God of Wind may touch it!"

Gale snickered. Banshee and me we're really confused.

"Todays your lucky day MORTAL! I am the God of Wind! Ah yes gaze upon my glory!"

The girl just awkwardly chuckled. She slowly backed away and left the scene.

"Was my image to overwhelming?" Gale questioned.

"What was that?" I asked. "You really think anyone will buy that?"

He looked back at me. 

"I'm serious!"

"Yeah right!" Banshee exclaimed.

"Listen!" He took us outside and into an alley.

"I trust you to keep this a secret..."

"Uh huh...?"

"I am the God of Wind. I felt terribly ill long ago and fell into deep slumber. My friend is Notus. I feel his heart is weak. I can hear him calling my name. That night during the Battle of 500 years ago. The dragon known as the Black Death badly wounded me and Notus. The pain of him being alone and wounded as driven him mad. Please I have to help him. My power has weakened and I can't do it alone."

"How do I know what your saying is true?"

He lifted his sleeve. A large black wound with purple veins surrounding it. Banshee let out a noise in disgust.

"The wound that put me to sleep and if you still don't think I'm real." He pulled out a glowing object that looked like a chess piece. It glowed green.

"This is proof I am a God. Only The Seven have these. A God's Crest. And lastly, your prayer is what awoken me. I gave you power to find your sister."

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