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We made it to the meeting place. A old woman sat next to a horse and a carriage. Another much younger girl was messing with supplies in the back.

"Excuse me, are you, our client?" Jack asked.

"I believe so. Are you perhaps the Crimson Lions?" She asked.

"Indeed, we are!" Jack said.

"Well then, my name is Abigail, my daughter is in the back. Her name is Rosaline."

We introduced ourselves.

"So, what's the point of the mission aside from getting you to point A to B?" Charlotte asked.

Rosaline came by. "A town is beyond the mountain. Our company wants us to sell our goods to them. We heard a monster lies upon the mountain, so we hired you to protect us."

"M-Monster..?" Banshee cried.

"Ah, I've heard of the beast. Grace sent out a research team to find out more about it."

"And did you find out anything?" I asked.

She shook her head. "They've yet to come back."

"Please tell me your joking.. Right..?" Banshee chuckled.

"Frent not! As I the leader of the Crimson Lion shall destroy this foul beast!" Jack interrupted.

"Everything is in order we can start moving." Rosaline said. "Thank you for coming to our aid." She smiled.

"Of course!" Charlotte smiled back.


We followed the frozen trail up the mountain. Thankfully they had spare fur coats. The clients rode in the carriage along with Banshee.

Me and Charlotte stayed behind the carriage while Jack ran around up front. Snow began to fall.

Banshee popped her head out of the back of the carriage to talk.

"Uhm, you never did say if you were joking or not Charlotte."

"Of course, I was."

Banshee sighed of relief.

"Well sort of."


"Everyone at the research team except two people came back. The leader and his assistant. The other members said they got caught up in a blizzard. The got out but lost them. They were forced to leave from poor weather."

"Are they ok?" Banshee asked.

"No idea. The other members were shaken up and haven't said anything about the incident."

"Guys! Come look at this!" Jack yelled from afar.

We went up to him while the clients stayed behind in a reasonable distance.

"Look what I found." He said.

In front of him was a huge bone. Mostly buried under the snow.

"What is this?" Banshee asked.

"Looks like a fossil." I said.

"Cool!" Jack said while touching it. "Gah! Its cold."

"What died here?" Banshee asked again.

"No clue." Charlotte replied.

Charlotte walked off and found a trail leading up the mountain.

"We should go here. It's our only way around."

We all followed the trail. I felt like we were being watched.

We walked past frozen over temples. 

"Long ago, over ten years ago a town was made here. Everyone disappeared over night, and it was left to freeze over." Charlotte said.

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