Preparations Gone Wrong

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It didn't take long before we managed to make it to the city. The city has large and beautiful buildings. The entrance was found underneath a large rock formation. A large harbor could be seen from a distance. Ships lined up in rows. We eventually made it near the harbor but unfortunately, it seemed like a ghost town.

"Where is everyone?" Banshee asked.


"What's that?"

"Never mind."

We walked up some stairs to the plaza and heard people cheering and clapping could be heard in the distance. We decided to go where they came from. Many people were standing around a small portable shrine. A small box was next to it. A woman with long white hair and royal clothes was talking to some people next to the box with several offerings near it. I noticed this place was heavily guarded.

"She seems important." Banshee whispered.

"What do you think this is about?"

Before Banshee could speak the woman began to calm the citizens. When they went silent she spoke.

"Thank you all for coming to the Rite of Passage Celebration. For any tourists here. This is the time where we celebrate Lapis Dei also known as the God of Earth and Trade. Today we must send our offerings to the God for him to show up on the day of the Lantern Festival. Now, everyone. Let's begin." She smiled.

One of the other people next to her handed her some food and placed it in the offering box.

Nothing happened until the sky began to change color. Clouds began to form surrounding at least 500 meters around the area.

"Is this supposed to happen? Is he angry or something?" Banshee asked.

Suddenly, the clouds shined with a golden light above the area and something came crashing down onto the shrine. The white haired woman jumped back before it crushed her. People gasped.

I tried to see what happened but the crowd was too thick. I managed to squeeze in a glance. I saw a large brown and black dragon laying on the shrine. The woman looked stunned before immediately turning.

"Guards! Make sure nobody leaves this city. Lapis Dei has been murdered!" She shouted in a serious tone.

Whispers and murmurs came from all around the people watching.

"We should leave!" Banshee whispered.

We began to sneak our way of the plaza and back down the stairs before a guard spotted us.

"You there! Your coming with me!" He yelled.

"Kyaaa!" Banshee yelled.

In a flash, someone dropped on him and knocked him out cold. Before I could even understand what happened. I felt my cape being grabbed and being dragged up into the air.

When I was set down I was sitting on a wooden patio.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt ya." The man said.

I looked around and saw we were on a different floor. Looking down below at the streets.

Banshee was next to me. I looked up at the man and I never seen him before. He had a gentle looking face. He wore grey clothes with a cape like mine. He had a vision on his waist. It was blue. His hair was orange and eyes were blue.

"The names Perceval. Before you ask questions. I'll just come clean."

I was confused on who this guy was.

"I'm a Talon Leader." He said.

I immediately got up and got into a fighting stance.

"A Talon member?!" Banshee cried.

"Woah woah woah! You see. I'm nothing more than an spy. I'm spying on the Talons to get information on them. Since they are so secretive I've decided to join their ranks." He said while putting them in quotes.

"So you aren't actually a member? I'm surprised you weren't the one who killed Lapis Dei seeing how you just showed up right after." I said.

"Nah, I wouldn't do that it's against my nature. I got no clue who killed him."

"How am I supposed to trust you." I said.

"If you want I can give you info on what's happening with the Talons in Màoyi and I'll help you clear your name."


"I hate the Talons just as much as you do. It's about time something interesting like this has happened. If I help you. You can help me."

"That sounds simple enough. Help you with what?"

"You'll find out soon."

"Alright.... but first answer my questions."


I was thinking of some questions to ask.

"Are there any other Talon Leaders here?"

"Just me, Sabrina and our newest recruit. Someone that goes by Raven. Unfortunately, Sabrina seemed to be getting ready to leave soon."

"Sabrina's here?" Banshee said.

"Indeed, she said something about doing business and wouldn't tell me. Don't know what she's doing."

"How do the Talons work? The leaders specifically."

"They are ranked. There's Thirteen Members. I am rank Eleven. Sabrina is rank Eight. Raven is ranked 12."

"I think that's it." I said.

"Oh! Me! Me! I wanna ask something!"

"Go ahead."

"What exactly are you doing here?"

"I'm stationed here to watch over the Cities bank. I'm a debt collector right now. Anyone who needs to pay up to the Talons. I'll find them. I don't really like doing it but I have too."

"How do I clear my name now?"

"By being a messenger."

He reached for his pocket and pulled out a small stone with markings on it.

"This is what you need. Venture off into the mountains and find a Shrine. You'll be able to summon The Xian. Inform them on Lapis Dei's death. They have connections to the white haired girl. You can pardon yourself when you meet her."

"What are The Xian?" I say while grabbing the stone.

"You'll see. Anyways, I got to get going. I'll see you when you come back. Oh and be careful. The guards will most likely be on high alert soon after you leave."

"We will. Thank you." I said.

He nodded and walked away.

"Shall we get going?"

"I'm hungry though. I think we should find somewhere to eat."

My stomach began to growl.

"I think so too."

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