Break in

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"What?!" Banshee screeched.

"Shhh!" Gale said before putting the crest away.

"Now then. Will you still try to help me?" Gale said.

I was in disbelief but I nodded. 

"Thank you. I'll tell you everything I know about your sister. Just help me first."

"But how will we get the flute?" Banshee cried.

Gale had a smug look on his.

It was night. 

"We're breaking in!" Gale said.

"But won't we get caught?" I asked.

"Not if we are quick. Now I'll be look out while you two go ahead and break in."

We snuck into the church after Gale picked the lock. It was really dark. Our footsteps made pretty loud noises. 

"Where even is the Flute?" Banshee asked.

"In the basement." I heard a voice reply through the air. I knew it was Gales.

"The basement." I said.

"How do you know?" Banshee said as I walk to the stairs leading downstairs. It was very dark so I grabbed the wall to keep me from slipping. 

"It's so dark! We might fall." Banshee whispered.

"Easy for you to say. You can fly." I whispered back.

We made it to the basement. Candles lit the room. Books were everywhere on every shelf. For some reason it wasn't heavily guarded. We walked up to a small pillar that had the flute incased in glass. I lifted the glass and grabbed it.

"Well, that was easy." Banshee said.

We heard footsteps of multiple people. I turned and cold air filled the room that blew the candles out. Three shadows walked into view however, I still couldn't see.

"I'll take that." Said the middle shadow. Her voice was calm yet threatening.

"Who are yo-" I was cut off by the shadow on the right lifted their arm. So I pulled out my sword to ready myself. They fired electricity at me. I blocked it but the middle shadow ran at me with high speeds and before I could react, I was slammed against the wall with a thud and dropped the flute and it rolled over to her feet. I was dazed. That woman's strength is monstrous. She picked up the flute. I turned to look at Banshee and it turns out she got hit by her too. I looked back to get a glimpse of her face but I couldn't see in the dark.

"Thank you for giving this to me. It really is a nice present." She said before turning and walking back up the stairs.

I tried getting up but that one attack hurt me bad. After a while I got up and helped Banshee up.

"Who was that?" Banshee said.

"No idea." I said. "Come on. We have to tell Gale about this!"

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