A Blessing from the Gods

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Its been a few months since I was brought here. I haven't found any civilization. I was completely and utterly alone. I've wandered through the forest. Slept outside in the cold. Gone hungry. I've only met the occasional trader. I assumed this world was completely empty. I sat down on some steps near some ruins and looked up at the sky. Clouds formed above.

"Athena... Where are you?" I said. The wind began to pick up. Nothing but endless field as far as the eye could see. I didn't have a weapon. The clouds shielded me from the sun. I decided to look for food. The only way I could find food was by fishing. I had no fishing rod so I'll use my hands. I made my way to the coastline. I found a nice spot where I could find fish. I noticed something in the water. Something glowing. The glow grew stronger as I began to reach for it. As the light disappeared something else took shape. It was a fairy. She was about the size of a human child.

I picked her up. She had white hair and wore weird clothing. She opened her eyes.

"Are you.. okay?" I asked.

"What time is it?" She groaned while wiping her eyes.

"Uh... Lunchtime?"

She perked up.

"Really?" She said.

"Uh... Whats your name?" I asked her.

"My name... Its Banshee... I think? Yours?" She asked me still looking tired. I placed her down.

"My name is Astro. I'm looking for my sister. Do you know where to find her?"

She stood up with her head in her hands.

"Ow..." She looked up. "Uh... Where am I?" She said.

"I found you in the water. Why were you here?" I asked.

"I don't know. I can't remember anything."


"Maybe..." She said looking sad.

"Too answer your question though I have no clue. What happened to your sister?"

"She was taken from me. By a God."

"A God...?" She paused for a moment.

"I think I know how to find her. You owe me lunch sometime AND you have to help me get my memories back if I tell you." She said.

"Deal." I smiled.

"Okay! Follow me." She smiled back. She got up out of the water and started flying away towards the forest.

"This way!"

I followed her into the forest.

"This world is inhabited by God's. Many in fact. I think if you talk to this regions God. You may find your sister." She said.

"Who is it?"

"The God of Wind and Freedom. I think he can help you!" She said.

"You know him?" I asked sarcastically.

"Erm, no." She chuckled meekly. "But I do know a way for him to answer your prayer!"

She pointed in the distance at the end of the forest. A different way that I came. A large statue of a hooded person with large wings. They had long braided hair and carried a bow. The statue looked old and was covered in vines. It stood over a large field.

"It hasn't been used in a while since most people don't come out here anymore that's why it looks nasty. We'll have to deal with what he got." She started flying towards the statue.

As I got closer to the statue, I heard whispering. As I got closer the whispering got louder.

"Do you hear that?" I asked

"Hear what?"

The whispering got louder until I could hear what they were saying.

"Make a prayer. Touch the monument."

It kept repeating the phrase until I gently placed my hand on the statue. My hand started glowing. I looked up and the statues eyes had a blue glow coming from it. My body started showing weird blue markings.

"I wish to find my sister, Athena."

The glowing faded after a while along with my weird tattoos. I took my hand off of the statue.

I felt stronger.

"What was that?" Banshee asked.

"I have... no idea."

I heard one last whisper.

"A gift from the God of Wind."

"We should find a town somewhere." I said.

"Well I know a human civilization nearby."

"We should start there maybe someone knows what happened to my sister."

"Alright!" Banshee agreed

We went off to find civilization.

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