Quest for Cocogoat Milk

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We finally made it up into the mountains. It was the afternoon. We found a small village with goats and other animals in pens.

"Hey! It's time for your daily taxation." A sinister looking man said.

"I'm sorry! Give us more time. We will have your Gold soon." An old man said.

"I need it now old man!"

We walked up to the scene.

"What is going on here?" Tiánshì said.

"Huh?" The sinister man turned around.

"None of your business. Leave now!"

"Unfortunately, I need a word with this man. So I will not leave."

"Do you want to lose your life that much? Well, then, I suppose we could get some extra Gold today."

Multiple men appeared behind us.

"We'll crush you and take all your Gold." He cracked his knuckles.

"Um? What are we going to do?" Banshee said.

I was getting ready to grab my blade.

"You should be careful with who you pick a fight with." Tiánshì muttered.

The sinister man pulled out a knife and tried to stab Tiánshì but he grabbed his arm and hosted his body up on his back and tossed him down into the ground. Another man tried punching him but he ducked and forced his palm into the other guy's chest causing him to fall back out of breath.

The last guy tried swinging a shovel at me but I dodged it and got down to sweep his leg causing him to fall.

"I suggest you all leave." Tiánshì said in a serious voice.

"Ha!" The sinister man yelled. He pulled out a gun from his coat and fired it at Tiánshì from below him. The gun fired a fire bullet at supersonic speeds. Tiánshì blocked it with his palm.

"What?" He said before Tiánshì stomped on his stomach causing him to weeze. Tiánshì grabbed the man by the coat and threw him away.

"Y-you freak!" He yelled before running off.

"Tiánshì I didn't know you could fight!" Banshee said.

"I rarely try to fight with someone. However, if I absolutely have too I will."

"Thank you!" The old man said.

"Please, it was nothing." Tiánshì said.

"You said you wanted me? What for?" He asked.

"I'd like to learn about Cocogoat Milk. Do you have any?"

"Hm... Cocogoat Milk..? I've never heard of such thing."

"Is it some legend..?" Tiánshì muttered.

"Does it even exist in the first place?" I said.

Tiánshì lifted his hand to his chin.

"I think we should keep looking." Banshee said.

"I might know a place where we can go." Tiánshì said.

He took us to a huge field of mountains and islands.

"For some reason. Goats have been popping up here lately. This is the Xinjiang Archipelago. There are a total of three hundred or so islands here."

All of them ranged from size. Most of them looked to be eroded.

"All of these were actually spears from Lapis Dei. He used them to seal Gods during the War of Gods. These aren't the only ones in Màoyi. These are much smaller and fewer in number now a days due to erosion. The other ones are just beyond Máoyī Harbor. This Archipelago alone is 1/3rd of this nation. It's quite big."

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