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Andre placed the dummy made of hay on a stick and shoved it into the ground. I took a stance ready to train until my bones hurt. Andre stepped back and crossed his arms while leaning up against the wall of the barn. Banshee sat down on a hay bale next to him.

I rushed the training dummy and smacked it a few times with my wooden blade before chopping off it's head. 

"Good, for a beginner." Andre said but Banshee clapped her hands together.

Andre got up and placed another one but this time he put some rustic armor on it.

"Try now."

I slashed the dummy but my sword broke in half. Andre shook his head before picking up another wooden sword and tossing me another one. He grabbed yet another wooden sword and slashed the dummy. It somehow cut right through. The wooden sword was burning though.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

"I focused my power into the blade and slashed with all my strength."

I tried focusing on the blade but nothing happened.

"Hm, don't be discouraged not everyone can do this. Others just attack using their power in other ways. Maybe try using the palm of your hand." He said.

I focused on my palm before striking the dummy. Wind burst out of my palm and pushed the dummy back. Andre clapped. "Now the real test."

Andre, me and Banshee went out a decent distance from the barn. We grabbed our weapons and got ready to fight.

"I won't be holding back." Andre said. I nodded in response.

Andre swung his great sword down onto me in a blink of an eye. I dashed backwards and shoved my foot down onto his sword to keep him from bringing it back up. I air palmed him in the stomach. He lifted up the sword even with me on it with monstrous strength. I ran towards a tree for cover. I heard the great sword hit the tree and I ducked down and turned back to see the tree get cut down effortlessly. He started using his fire power after and I slashed his sword to hopefully stagger him. It failed and so I moved towards his side and roundhouse kicked him in the face. It left a small mark but it didn't seem to hurt him. He picked his greatsword up and swung it at me he then spun around to slash at me again before doing another spin but slashing downwards. I quickly dodged all of the attacks and focused air into my palm and struck the ground creating a circle of wind to push him away. "That's good." Andre said.

He put down his weapon. You did well. You have potential maybe you'll be able to beat her." He said while whispering the last sentence to himself.

"Her?" I asked.

"Oh, no one." He said. I wondered who he was talking about. 

We got ready to say goodbye for the time being.

"Thanks for training me." I said. Andre nodded. "I hope you find your sister." He said. 

Me and Banshee went to the church where we planned to meet up with the boy.

The Boy From The StarsWhere stories live. Discover now