Frozen Vines

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It was cold. I woke up with a shiver while Banshee was trying to get me to wake up.

"Astro! Are you ok?" She asked.

I grabbed my head. I felt like I had a brain freeze.

"I think so?"

She had a happy look on her face.

"I'm so glad!"

I look around and it seems like I was taken back to the clients.

They seemed to have been taken care of me.

"Sorry, for the trouble."

"No worries!" The old lady said.

Jack was upset.

"I'm sorry I got you hurt." He said.

"It's fine. I gotta help Charlotte and Apollo." I said. I noticed something was different with me. I felt stronger and faster.

"Please, be careful now!" Banshee cried.

"I will. Banshee please stay and keep an eye on the wagon." I said.

She nodded.

I went back to the arena. Apollo was weakened he had blood on his forehead and was creating an energy forcefield around him blocking a vine. A broken flask laid on the ground. Charlotte was behind him breathing heavily.

I dashed over to where they were and jumped over the forcefield and plunged my blade into the vine and it stopped moving.

"You guys ok? How long have I been out?."

"About 10 minutes? The frozen attacks are a pain to dodge. It's draining our stamina." Apollo said.

"How do I kill this thing?"

"No! Don't kill it. It's only crazy due to the blood. I'll think of something!"

"Fine but hurry it up! I'll hold it off." I said and began running towards the monster. It's vines swung at me but I was able to easily dodge it's attacks. They seemed much slower than before. Not that much slower but it made it more manageable to dodge.

I parried another vine that swung at me and ducked another whip. I hopped over another vine and didn't realize another vine smacked me from behind.

Another vine came swooping in. Suddenly, Charlotte slashed the vine in half to protect me.

"It's official. You are as strong as a Captain."

"Charlotte? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Apollo thought of something all we have to do is hold this thing off." She was almost out of breath but she picked herself up.

We dashed around the Monster and quickly dodged its attacks. It's attacks seemed to have slowed down due to it focusing on two of us. She ran to the other side and continued to fight.

Suddenly, large spikes came out of the ground and surrounded the monster.

"Ha! I did it the spell has been cast!" Apollo yelled and lifted his arm. After a few seconds black and evil aura came flowing out of the monster and Into Apollo.

"Hey what are you doing?" I yelled.

"He's taking the energy for himself." Charlotte said.

The energy kept coming and he was starting to feel the effects. After what felt like minutes the aura finally stopped coming and the flower monster shrunk back into the ground.

Apollo gasped and fell to he ground.

"Apollo!" I ran over to help him stand.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. You?" He asked.

Charlotte came over she could barely stand.

"Good work!" She said.

He put his thumb up.

"You going to be ok?" I asked.

He nodded. "I'll be fine I'm immune to it's poisonous effects. I wasn't able to cure it properly but this is fine." He coughed.

He stood up by himself and signaled us to follow back to the wagon.

We made our way back.

"Astro! You guys are alive!" Banshee yelled and she flew over and gave me a hug.

Jack got up and ran to Charlotte giving her a hug.

"Sorry, for having you hold up here." Apollo said.

"No worries! The knights had to do their thing. Glad you guys are ok." The old lady said.

"Shall we get going?" The other lady said.

We got into the back of the wagon and the lady tried to tend to our major wounds.

We got a move on and finally made our way down the Mountain with no trouble. We went to the small village we were supposed to take the clients.

After parting ways and apologizing once again for holding them up for longer  Apollo asked if he could speak to me.

Banshee came with.

"Listen, what you did back there. Thank you. I most likely wouldn't have been able to cast that spell due to Charlotte's injuries."

"It's no problem. What do you plan on doing after this?" I asked.

"Hm. I'll probably head back to Fana and return to Cavandale. What about you?"

"I think me and Banshee will make our way over to Màoyì."

"Hm, well now that everything is done and over I suppose I could tell you what those Abyssal creatures are. Essentially they are a small organization that has popped up recently. Even more recent than the Talons. They are incredibly strong. If you were just a tad weaker you would have been killed instantly." He said.

"Wow, they really are scary." Banshee said.

"Indeed, I do not know much about them. So I cannot give you anymore information. However, there's a small village in-between Cavandale and Màoyì. The Witches Guild. I believe you could find some more information on them. As those witches have always been interested in anything magic related."

"Alright, I'll take note of that."

"Anyways, I'll head back to Fana. And thanks again. I hope we see each other again in the future." He smiled and went on with his day.

"Astro!" Jack yelled running over to me and Banshee.

"Look!" He pulled out a small bag that was the size of my hand. Full of Gold.

"Woahhhh!!!" Banshee exclaimed.

He handed it to me.

"That's for helping and..." He pulled out a small sum of gold.

"This is for saving... Charlotte." He bowed and ran away to Charlotte.

He came back with Charlotte.

"Here you go." She handed me a stone.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It's a Teleportation Stone. Crush it and you'll go to the town that's engraved on the stone."

"Ohhh. I see."

She said goodbye and crushed the stone with Jack holding her hand. They both disappeared in a smoke.

"Well? Shall we head back?" I asked.

"Mhm! Let's spend all our money on food!" She said while we teleported back.

End of interlude 1.

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