Preparation For The Festival of the Dead

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After a nice sleep. Me and Banshee left the Inn yet again. We went over to where Tiánshì told us we would meet. We found him drinking more wine.

"Ah, Astro! You came."

"Yep! Of course I would."

He set down his wine glass and got up.

"Come. I found a nice place for offerings."

We followed him over to the market and he stopped us under the bridge leading to the harbor. There was a couple of stands under there. He walked up the one with a nice young lady.

"Hello." He said.

"Hello! Would you like to buy some flowers?"

"Yes please. One of the best flowers you have in stock."

She nodded and pulled out a nice bucay of yellow flowers. He smelled them.

"Perfect." He said.

He turned over to us.

"Would you mind paying for these? I have no Gold."

"What? But Percival gave you Gold yesterday!"

"Indeed however, I spent the money on a casket. It's really hard to find a good casket for a dragon so I spent all my money on one."

"What kind of guy walks around with no money to his name?" Banshee whispered to me.

I sighed.

"Fine." I pulled out a small sack of Gold and counted 2 gold pieces for the flowers.

After this we went over for food.

"This way." He said as we made it over to the food market. There was tons of food ranging from fish to fruits and vegetables. He took us to the fruit stand.

"Hello." He said.

Rinse and repeat for the last person.

I'm going to be broke by the end of this.

We got a fruit basket and a bucay of flowers.

"Now what?" Banshee asked.

"I must see an old friend of mine."

"Now we are getting sidetracked?" I whispered to Banshee.

He took us just beyond the Plaza. It was a pharmacy. We walked inside and a little girl peered from below the front desk. She was so small she could barely lift her entire head above the desk.

"Hello, how may I help you sir?" She said in a monotone voice.

She had cold eyes and wore strange clothes. She clearly wasn't a local.

"Hello, Zhen. No need to be formal with me. Is Lee around?" He asked.

"Yes, he's in his room. Coughing badly again."

"Would you be so kind to give this to him?" He placed an apple on the desk.

"Sure, is this all?"

"No. I would like the medicine I've been getting whenever I come here."

She walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a glass of some kind and walked back to the desk placing it on it.

Tiánshì grabbed the glass.

"Thank you. Make sure Lee takes his medicine."

She nodded.

Before we left she said something else.

"Wait! There's something I've read about. It's a nice drink so I've heard. You could give that to Lapis Dei." She said.


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