Chapter 6: Hotel room talk

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Jessica was back at the hotel, changing Sarah into her pajamas after she was changed she laid down in bed, Jessica gave her a kiss and said goodnight. Once she turned out the light and started heading out the door Sarah called her back in.

"Mommy, do you like Mr. Leland?" she asked out of the blue.

"Why are you asking that sweetie?" Jessica replied concerned.

"I saw you kiss him, so do you?"

"Yes I do. Does that bother you at all?"

"No, I like him, he is nice."

"Would it bother you if mommy spent more time with him, he would be around more?"

"I would love that mommy, you know what grandma told me?"

"What is that?"

"She told me that if someone made you happy, I should be happy too because that means everything is going to get better, she said that no matter if your friend was a boy or girl, that it would make us both happy. I like that you are smiling again."

"oh, sweetie that means a lot to me, if at anytime something bothers you just tell me, alright. You are the most important person in my life." Jessica said through a few tears.

"I am fine mommy, I am happy because you are happy"

"Alright sweetheart good night." Jessica said as she started to walk out of the room she slowly closed the door. When she turned around she found Leland standing in the hallway. She just motioned for him to follow her and she led him out onto the balcony.

"How much of that did you hear?" She asked with a smile.

"I heard from what grandma told her." Leland replied while giving her a hug.

"This little girl is wise beyond her years, she surprises me everyday."

Leland just stood there and smiled. They both sat down on the chairs on the patio to begin to talk.

"Listen Leland, I really like you. I just want to make sure that Sarah doesn't get hurt. I don't want this to just be something like a fling, I don't think I could do that to her she has already had so many changes in her life, I really don't think that she would handle the dissapointment to well. I know this is really crazy to talk about right away but I am just nervous about this since we just moved here." Jessica looked down, she knew that saying something like this could send him heading for the hills, she knew deep down that it was the right thing to do for her daughter so she had to accept whatever was going to happen. Leland turned toward her, he knew that she was just being a protective mom. He grabbed her hand in both of his.

"I understand Jessica, you have to protect your child, I would do the same thing if it came to mine." He paused. Jessica closed her eyes 'now here comes the let down' she thought in her head. "Open your eyes, I want to make sure you hear this."

Jessica opened her eyes, she felt like she was going to cry, Leland continued " I don't want this to be a fling, I want to spend every moment of my free time with you. One thing you have to understand is that my life is crazy, I travel a lot and being a bail bondsman means all kinds of crazy hours and having to run out to grab someone in the middle of the night. I am willing to give you the time and be there for you and Sarah, I just need you to be understanding about this type of work I do. A lot of people just can not get use to it, I believe that with give and take from both of us we can make this work."

"I know I don't know a lot about what you do. I am willing to learn though, and when it comes to when you have to go, I am fine with that I am not the type of girl who needs my guy around all the time, I can handle things myself, I am not that kind of girly girl that needs a lot." Jessica said grasping his hand a little tighter.

"That is great to hear," he said as he gave her a kiss, " I am glad we talked about this, it makes me feel soo much better."

"Me too, it has been a long time since I have been with anyone so I wasn't sure how this was going to go."

"Well now that we got this out of the way, Beth wanted me to ask you to come to dinner tomorrow night. It is the last night before we have to leave to go and film for the show."

"I would love to go for dinner."

"Just a fair warning, going to the Chapman home means dinner can turn into a bounty in seconds. Just be warned we might have to leave suddenly."

" I understand, when you leave to film where are you headed? Anywhere fun?"

"Going to Florida, um I believe the town is Tavares."

"Really, not too far from where I use to live. I was from a city called Davenport. You will be close to the parks. If they give you time to explore you should, there is a lot to do, and the parks are so much fun."

"I will keep that in mind and I know who to call to get the scoop." Leland said to her, meanwhile his wheels were turning trying to figure out if there was a way for her to go too. The two spent most of the night talking, about everything. Around 3 in the morning Jessica fell asleep on the couch, Leland picked her up and brought her into the beddroom and put her under the covers, then he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, wrote her a note for the morrning and headed out so he could get some sleep as well.

::Short Chapter I know. I wrote this a while back, going through it and posting while editing, hope you like it! Please leave comments to let me know what you like or dislike. Love input!::

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