Chapter 8: Back to FL

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The Next Day

Jessica and Sarah were on the way to the airport for the long trip back to the mainland.They were meeting everyone at the airport since she had to return her rental car. Once they pulled in and got the luggage out and gave the keys back. As they entered the airport they found the family. Leland and Dakota came over to help with bags. Sarah was happy she ran up and gave Dakota a hug. Once they were all checked in they got on the plane, Leland sat with Jessica and Sarah and Dakota sat with his grandparents. It was a long flight, they had a layover in California. Finally after a whole day of travel they landed at Orlando International Airport. Leland took Jessica and Sarah to meet up with the granparents taking care of Sarah.

"Leland, just one thing, don't act like we are dating at all. These are my late husbands parents and it might be a littlle weird." Jessica said to him

"Alright, I understand. I will be professional." he replied. They pulled into the hotel where they were staying and met up with them. Jessica got Sarah out of the car and she ran to her grandparents. Jessica went over and gave them a hug.

"Hey how are you guys?" Jessica asked.

"We are great, how are you good to see you." Barry, her father in law, replied. He saw Leland walking up. "Who is this?"

"This is Leland," Sarah shouted, "Mommys friend" Jessica just laughed.

"Hello Leland, Barry, Sarahs grandfather and Jessicas father in law." he shook Lelands hand then pulled Jessica to the side.

"What kind of friend?" he asked

"He is one of the people I work for." she replied, at that moment her mother in law Leslie walked over.

"According to your daughter, you kissed him? Jessica it is ok if you did, you are allowed to move on you know."

"Ok I kissed him, he is a great guy, I do work for him and his family."

"I know who this is, now you better promise me you will be careful, alright." Her father in law said with a hug.

"Who is he?" Leslie asked.

"Dog the bounty hunters son, she is going to be taking pictures of them when they are bounty hunting." Barry replied

"Really? You better be safe Jessica, that is dangerous."

"I will, I promise, these people are the best in the world they would never put me in harms way."

They all said their goodbyes then they got back in the car. Leland started to question Jessica.

"What did they talk to you about?"

"Well my daughter spilled the beans on how we kissed, so they were telling me it was ok to move on." she replied. Leland just looked over with a smile and gave her a kiss.

"When do we have to be back?" Jessica asked.

"We start filming in the morning, Beth wants us back by 10 pm." Jessica looked at the clock it was 7.

"Do you think we could swing by my parents house just to say a quick hi?"

"Absolutely," Leland replied, " Lets go."

They made their way up to her parents houses, when they pulled into the driveway only her moms car was there, she knocked on the door. Her mother answered.

"Hey mom!" Jessica said with a smile

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good, just popping in to say a quick hi before I have to go. This is Leland," She said motioning to him.

"Nice to meet you."

They visited for about 1 hour then they had to get going, Jessica said goodbye and then the two headed back up to Tavares. When Jessica got in the car she let out a sigh. This was hard for her. Leland saw the look on her face and grabbed her hand. She looked up at him and smile.

"Now off to the fun stuff," Jessica said. The two headed to the hotel where they met up with Beth, she gave them their room keys, Leland was staying with his son and Jessica had her own room, so she can spend time editing, and incase her daughter came by. Jessica grabbed a quick dinner then headed to her room, she started to get ready for bed, changed into her pjs and brushed her teeth and hair she sat at her computer to try to get some editing done before bed. She had gone through two pictures when she saw the one Cecily took of her and Leland dancing, she just kept staring at it but before she could edit it there was a knock on her door. Jessica got up and put a small jacket over her pajamas to answer the door. When she opened she saw Leland standing there with a folder in his hand.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked

"Hey We need you to sign some papers before we head out tomorrow, may I come in?" he replied

"Sure," She stepped aside to let him in, "What are these?"

"These are the confidentially agreements, and acknowledgements of what your job is, your responsibilities and all that fun stuff, I am leaving a copy of that with you."

"Alright, where do I sign." she said to Leland, he pointed to the spot on each page, and she signed all of them.

"Thanks, now that all that is out of the way," He leaned in and gave her a kiss. "So, what are you up to?"

"Just editing some more photos, still have to finish the ones from the party."

"Do you think you can take a little break?" He said with a smile.

"Sure," she replied closing the laptop, she stood up and walked over to Leland. He grabed her and put his arms around her waist and began kissing her. Next he started to take off her shirt, Jessica flinched a little Leland stopped.

"Are you alright?" he asked concerned.

"I'm fine, it has just been a long time, I am nervous, I want to do this." she replied with a smile

"We can go as slow as you want." Leland said grabing at her shirt again he pulled it up and over her head. Jessica was nervous about what he would think of her body, she closed her eyes for a moment, when she opened them he smiled at her and began to kiss her again. Jessica took his shirt off and ran her hands up and down his muscular chest. Leland moved his kisses all the way up and down her body, then he pulled her pants down and she stepped out of them. Leland picked her up and placed her on the bed, she watched as next he took his own pants off then laid on top of her. Jessica could not believe she was making love with another man, she was amazed with how great it felt with him inside her, she felt complete a wave of emotions flew over her as she climaxed, Leland did shortly after and they laid next to eachother just holding one another.

"Oh my goodness, that was fantastic." Jessica said giving Leland another kiss.

"I could say the same thing." Leland replied

"I was so nervous, I haven't done this in a long time, I didn't know what you would think of me and if I was any good at it."

"Well, first of all, you are beautiful, every part of you is, second you are really great at it. It was wonderful."

"That is one way to get tired to help with the time change." she said with a laugh.


Jessica just cuddled up with Leland and fell asleep in his arms.

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