Chapter 12: Travel Day

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The next morning Jessica got up and ready, then finished packing her bags, she headed to the lobby at around nine to grab a piece of fruit and check out, after that was all done she went and sat in the lobby. She decided to work on some more of the pictures from Bonnies birthday party while she had a few moments. After about 10 mins she saw Beth and Dog come into the lobby.

"Jessica, come on lets put your stuff on the bus," Beth said and motioned for her to follow, they went and put all the bags on the bus, "You are riding on the bus with us right?"

"If that is where you want me," she replied. Beth just smiled then put her arm around her shoulders and pulled her towards the entrance of the bus. Once inside Jessica pulled out her computer again.

"I thought you were done with the photos from the last few days?" Beth asked confused.

"I am, I was just going to finish up working on Bonnies pictures, I only have a few left to do."

"Oh, alright once you are done, find me so we can look through them all."

"Will do." Jessica began to work once again, even when she knew that she could take a break she just can not get photography out of her head, she knew she had a few pictures left to edit and she could not let it go. About a half an hour later she started to hear everyone coming on the bus she was on her last picture, the one she had a hard time editing since she couldn't stop staring at it. The one of her and Leland dancing, she noticed that Leland had the look of his feelings for her before she even knew, it just looked like they were suppose to be together, it was amazing to see. She took her time and eidted it the best she could, then she made it the backround of her computer. She then went to go find Beth, once she found her they sat down and went over all the pictures. Beth decided that she wanted to make a photobook for Bonnie, Jessica said she could do that for her, they went and picked out ta photo of the family for a frame. Jessica said once they were back in Hawaii she could do all that for her and have it to her in a week.

"Thats great Jessica, now please go and just relax, enjoy today and tomorrow after that the craziness will start again." Beth said giving her a hug.

"Ok, I will, I know I am a workaholic, it would have bothered me if I didn't get it done when I knew I had the time." She replied standing up, they were on the road. She went toward the front of the bus and sat next to Leland.

"Hows it going?" she asked

"Good, how about you?" he replied giving her a quick kiss.

"Good, I feel better now that I got all the photos from the party done."

"Yeah, Beth told me you were editing again, you just don't stop do you?"

"No, not really... you think you can keep up?" she said with a laugh

"I'll try my best." He said back to her. They started talking and sharing stories about themselves. All the good and funny stories, they were laughing so hard that Dakota, Beth and Dog came over and joined in the conversation. Jessica told stories about when her daughter was young it happened when her husband was still alive.

"Well she came into my room in the moring and started to play with my hair and she says to me 'mommy hair' I said yes mommy has hair, then she grabbed her own and said 'Sarah hair' I said yes you do, then she looks at my late husband and said 'Daddy has one' " they all started cracking up. They drove straight through and got into Conneticut early the next day, when they stopped at the hotel they checked in but the rooms weren't ready yet they decided that everyone was on their own untill dinner time. Jessica was excited to be in Hartford she lived about a hour away for most of her life and knew the area. Jessica wanted to hit the town and go hit up some fun spots, she couldn't decide between wickham park and bushnell park. After a little research she decided on bushnell park, she grabbed her camera and headed off the bus everyone was outside just talking. Jessica started to look up the number for a taxi when Leland came over.

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