Doll?[Part One]

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                   Third Person POV:
The twins finally made it on the bus Y/N sits down in an empty seat and Devon sits in the seat in front of her.

                           Y/N'S POV:
Devon and I sit down in the bus and My best friend Junior goes to sit next to Devon and daps him up and then he looks at me a worried face so you ask him if he's okay.

"Um...Junior are you okay you look nervous is something wrong orrr-"
He cuts you off."I'll tell you when we get to school".
"Okaaay..?"I questioned.
Jake walks up to me and sits down.

"Oooh Jake can I hold him".Referring to the red-headed doll Jake was holding.
He sighs and gives it to me."Just be careful he's fragile". He stated.

"Welllll if he's so fragile why are you bringing him to school Jake".I said dragging the L.
"Why are you being so nosy?"He question.
"My mom took my phone again so I'm really bored".I whined to Jake.

"Again really". Junior questioned.
"Yes but it's your fault I told you I should've texted her before spending the night at your place".I told him.
"Can y'all shut up the bus already stopped. Devon said as he got out of the bus.Jake and I go separate ways then Junior.
"Why aren't you walking with lover boy over there". Jake said as he points over to Junior standing there dumbfounded.
"He'll find someone to talk to". As I said that Jake opened his locker and this curly head boy walks over to us.
"Um so you need something or..?" I questioned trying not to sound rude.
" Um yeah I wanted to know if you could introduce me to your cousin,Jake"The boy asked.
"Well um Y/N do you want to tell him or do I have to-"Jake gets cut off by Junior.
"Sorry I'm not into that plus I'm taken"Junior said as he grabs my hand taking me away from Jake and that boy.
"What do you need"I asked.
"Dang your the one who asked me if I was okay and now when I'm about to tell you why you start to act all brand new-"He says as you cut him off.
"Junior I asked you what do you need not your whole life story come be a big boy and spit it out because class is about to start and Ms.Fairchild is being mad annoying"I told him.
"Okay okay jeez I was going to ask you if you did you homework for Ms.Fairchild's class because I kinda sorta forgot".He stated."Your so lucky that my mom took my phone away and I had nothing else to do because if I had my phone trust and believe I probably would've done that shit..well maybe I would've my grades are kinda starting to get better".I say as I give Junior a look to tell him that we should start walking to class.
"It's probably those 4x notifications to claim TikToks but anyway are you gonna let me copy your answers"he asks.
"Awh stinky have you forgotten that you sit next to Lexy your girlfriend so maybe she would give you the answers"I said making my way to my seat next to Jake who put his doll in my seat.
"Bitch I know damn well you didn't just doll in my seat people these days so disrespectful".You say as Jake picks up his doll.

Hiiii my little love bugs 💕💕
I hope y'all enjoyed part one
(588) words

Hiiii my little love bugs 💕💕I hope y'all enjoyed part one (588) words

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