You don't understand[Part 19]

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My bad for being gone for so long😭

Y'all missed me?

Y/N'S POV Sunday
📍Jake's room (Wheeler estate)
5:25 pm

"Why are you so happy?"
Jake asked.

"I can't be happy?"

"You can, but you've been super happy all day, what happened?"

"Devon got in trouble last night,"
I smiled and laughed a little thinking about it.

"Devon got in trouble? Isn't he the favorite? He never gets in trouble." Jake said.

"I know, My mom always let's him get away with stuff."

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," I told him, giving him my attention.

"Me and Devon kissed and I-"

"You what?!"

"..we kissed."

"I heard what you said dummy, I was just shocked," I said with my mouth making a 'o'. Junior barged into Jake's room.

"Get out. You're not invited,"
Jake groans.

"I lived here before you, you fucking idiot."

"Junior! Watch your mouth."
I joked while crossing my arms.


"Fucking loser."


"My bad, it slipped," He said, his voice sounded soft-spoken and he sighed. He got off his bed and walked over to Junior.
"May you please, get the fuck out of my room, please and thank you,"

"Baby, you see how he treats me, his own blood," Junior pouted jokingly.

"I have nothing to do with this. It's almost time for me to go home soon, I'll see you guys tomorrow." I get off Jake's bed and I pick up my purse off his bed side table.

"That's not fair, I barely got to talk to you," Junior whined and followed me out of Jake's room.

I sighed, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

"The economical state of the world right now."

"You're an idiot."

"And you're really pretty."

"Thank you handsome."

Junior started to blush hard,
"I-...Thank you."

"You're such a dork," I laughed.

"Says the one who got Above average on the SBAC test in elementary school."

"What does that have to do with me calling you a dork."


"Okay, I really do have to head home now," I say softly, looking up at him with a small grin. "Also-" Junior cuts me off when he gently grabs my neck and kisses me passionately. I kissed him back, my fingers ran through his hair. I then pulled away after a few seconds.
"You didn't let me finish my sentence,"
I whined.

"I wanted a kiss goodbye."

"You could've waited."

"But I wanted to make it exciting, like in the movies."

"Yeah, but we're not in a movie Junior."

"Let's make a movie."

"That's what she said."

"Heyyy, I didn't even mean it like that."

"I know, it was just a joke."

"Whatever," He rolled his eyes.

I laughed and I walked out the front door.


I walked through the front door of my house and I was met with a 'depressed' Devon.

"What's your problem?"

"Your face."

"Ha ha, soo funny." I say sarcastically and I continue walking upstairs to my bedroom.

"Y/N..?" He mumbles following me upstairs, his feet dragging against the cold wood steps.


i'm going to start over with this whole story and i'll still keep this one up, but i'll just make a different book. this one is starting to not make sense and really ooc badly. i started writing this book to improve on my writing but every time i read or write on of these chapters it makes me feel disappointed knowing i could do so much better.
for the last time
goodbye my luvbugsss💕💕

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