"Break"[Part 10]

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📍School 9:15 am

"C'mon Jake the party will be funnn" I'm still trying to convince Jake to come to the party with me. I mean he needs to learn how to learn how to live little.

"I already told you I'm not going. The only reason you wanna go is because Oliver is hosting it."He retorted.

"No it's not, Jake I'm literally dating you cousin."he just shrugged and walked into the restroom.

"Forget Jake you have me" Junior said walking up to me.
"Junior can I ask you a question?"I asked.
"Yeah what is it?"

"Um..Have you been hearing like strange noises coming from uh..Jake's room?"
"Now that you mention it I've heard him talking to himself a lot lately" Junior stated.

"Uh I have to go"I quickly walked passed Junior.
"Oh well she could've at least said goodbye"He huffed.

📍Wheeler Household
8:50 pm

I just finished putting my Halloween costume on. To be honest I look so hot bro like-

what is Jake doing in there. I opened my room door and was about to go in his room until he walked out.
"Dang what happened to your eye?"I asked him.

"Oh-uh it's just makeup"He stuttered out.
"Then what was that noise I heard?"I questioned.

"Oh I had t-tripped"
"I feel like you lying but It's Halloween who cares"I say shrugging.
"..yeah who cares"
"Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?"He asked me.
"Which one?"
"Bro?"He side eyed me.
"You better stop playing before Y/n dumps you for Oliver"
"What are you talking about"I said starting to get annoyed.

"Look all I gotta to say is why do you think Y/n wants you to meet her at the party instead of you picking her up at her house?"

"Think Junior who's hosting the party?who's house is she going to be at?"
"Oliver.Shit I gotta go I love you"
"I love you too?I guess?"

📍Oliver's House
9:10 pm

I finally arrived to Oliver's house. I was already irritated about what Jake said.
"Where's your sister?"I asked Devon
"I think I seen her with Oliver upstairs"
I sighed.
"You don't think she..?"I asked.
"No,you have to trust her"
"I know I know It's just that Jake said all this stuff and I don't even know anymore"
"Look all I'm going to tell is they're matching Halloween costumes"he said and walked away.
That's why she didn't wanna show me her costume.
As I started to walk upstairs Oliver walked downstairs and he gave me a weird look but I just ignored it.
I walked into the room Oliver walked out of knowing Y/n was in there.
When I walked in she ran up and hugged me.
"Where have you been!"she yelled slightly.
"I was downstairs why?"She let go.
"Oh..I was just worried I thought that you-never mind"She said .
"Why were you worried are you okay you've be acting weird lately"
"It's nothing forget it."
"Okayy..What were you and Oliver talking about?"
"We were just talking about random things you know he's actually pretty funny once you get to know him"
"You guys are matching Halloween costumes...?" I Questioned.
"Yeah I would've asked you but-"
"But you didn't!"
"Woah junnie you said already had a costume and that couple costumes are lame"
"So you decided to do couples costume with Oliver?"
"As friends!"
"Well I don't-"
I got cut off by people laughing downstairs.
"I'm going to see what's going you stay here were not finished."I told her.
"Yeah we're not Finished...but Junior I think we should take a break until finally can trust me."she said as she walked out the door. I followed behind her thinking back to what Devon said about trusting her and I mean I do trust her I just don't trust Oliver.I knew she was right though that's why I didn't argue.When we finally made it downstairs we saw Lexy dressed up as my uncle when he...passed.I then looked over and saw...Jake? What is he doing here I thought he said he wasn't coming. I felt bad for Jake and also irritated that Lexy would stoop down so low.As I was lost in my thoughts I saw Y/n walking up to Lexy.

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