I'm sorry[Part 8]

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My hand was still intertwined with Junior's I could feel him grip my hand like he was about to rip it off.

"Damn Junior if you squeeze my hand any harder it's gonna fall off" I joked.
"My bad, I just don't like it when people offer me stuff in my own house" He said the last part loud so Jake could hear.

"Not too much on my friend"I told him.
"Call the police!"Jake yelled.
"What why what's going?"I ask him as Junior ran to the house phone. I seen Jake's eyes shift to the dishwasher. So I had walked over to him and saw something horrifying.

Outside the Wheeler home
8:37 pm

"Mom I'm telling you Jake wouldn't do such a thing"I tried to tell her.
"Detective Evens to you young lady"She told me.

"Well detective Evens my mom is being
Out of her mind if she thinks Jake
Killed his father and Annie"I said.
"You don't speak to your mother like that do you understand me"She scolded.
"I thought you wanted me to call you detective Evens?"I asked her.

"Y/N please don't be a pain in the ass tonight"She sighed"Also go home your Brother waiting for you he said he wants ti tell you something"She continued.
"Can I borrow twenty dollars pleaseeeeee"I begged her.

"It's not called borrowing if you're not going to pay me back"She corrected me.
"Well how am I supposed to pay you back I don't have a job?"I asked.
"You should get one then"She said as she handed me forty bucks.
"You gave me forty but I'm not complaining"I laughed.

"It's because you're my favorite"She told me.
"Really!"I said as my eyes start to light up.
"No,I gave you forty so you would leave me alone"She fake smiled and walked up to some other cops.I frowned and started to walk home.

"Hey! let me walk you home"A voice said behind me.
"It's fine Junior I can walk by myself"I told him. I heard the footsteps behind me come to an end. Good at least he's not walking me home.

"Look I know I fucked up but can you just let me explain!"He shouted.
"Explain what!?theres nothing to explain....maybe I should have listened to Lexy when she told me to stay away"I said tearing up and quickly wiping them away because I was not about to cry over him. I had started to walk away.

"Y/N wait I didn't kiss her okay!She had kissed me I pulled away but Oliver had already walked into class so he didn't she me push her off of me"He explained.
"How do I know your telling the truth?"I asked.

"Because I love you and I wouldn't do something to hurt you"He reassured.
"You sound corny as fuck what is this a hallmark Christmas special"I joked.
I could tell he wasn't amused by my joke be he had a big frown plastered across his face. I sighed and hugged him.

"I love you too junnie" I said.I felt him smile against my neck and his grip on my waist became tighter as he pulled me into a kiss. It felt different from the other times he kissed me
I felt like if he were to kiss me for the last time.
I had pulled away from kiss to catch my breath.

"Why'd you do that for"he whined.
"I have to go home i'll see you tomorrow"I told him.
"fine but you owe me"He told me.
"Whatever bye loser"I said walking away.

(Timeskip Y/N'S POV)📍
Evens Home

I had walked inside my bedroom and started to pick out my pajamas for the night and so I can get in the shower. Until Devon barged into my room.

"Y/N I have something important to tell you"He said out of breath.
"Can it wait until I get out the shower?"I said getting annoyed.
"No it cannot, no sit "He ordered motioning to me bed.

" okay so what is so important that you had to interrupt my shower time"I asked.
"What i'm about to tell you is something that you cannot I mean cannot tell anyone" He said in a very serious tone.

"What i'm about to tell you is something that you cannot I mean cannot tell anyone" He said in a very serious tone

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Ouuuuu new book 💕!!
I'm so so so so sorry I haven't posted in a while. So much stuff has been going on the month can't wait for February✊🏿💙!!

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