Damn[Part 2]

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Junior's POV
I started to walk over to my girlfriend Lexy. She had gave me a kiss on the cheek as I sat down.
"Hey babe where were you this morning I was looking all over for you"She questioned as she turned her body so she could face me.
"I was with Y/N why?"I asked.Her jaw was clenched as she turned around facing the front of the class.

As Ms.Fairchild finished telling us what we were going to be doing today. I had felt like someone was watching me so I turned around and there was Lexy Cross glaring daggers at me.Like if looks could kill I would have already been six feet under. It didn't really faze me through cause unlike these other punk ass bitches I'm not scared of lexy. I was too busy in my thoughts that I didn't notice Jake trying to get my attention.
"Y/N did you hear what I said?"Jake asked.
"Yeah mhm totally, I one hundred percent agree with you on that one buddy"I lied.
"You didn't hear anything I said huh"He Said.
"No absolutely not"I said looking back at Lexy who was still starring at me.
"She could just be sleeping with her eyes open and It just looks like she's starring at you".Jake joked as we both looked at Lexy.
"Ha Ha very funny"I said turning around.
"J-Jake what did you do"I said nervously.
"I didn't do shit".Jake said turning around.
"wtf happened to the frog?"Jake asked.
"I don't know you tell me-"I said before getting cut off.
"Um...Y/N and Jake that's not quite right it did you guys pay attention to the lesson"She said .
"N-No we didn't do that"Jake said.
Everybody's phones start to go off.
I open my phone to see Lexy's go-fund me.
"What is going on"Ms.Fairchild asked.
I look at Devon and he looks at me with a a hurt look on his face.
"Lexy's new go fund me".Oliver laughed
"Oliver let me see that"Ms.Fairchild said walking over to Oliver's desk. Jake looks at me with a sad expression on his face as he looks at his phone again.
Oliver throws a coin at Jake"Here you go wheeler,don't spend it all in one place"He laughed.The bell had rung and as Jake and I had got up Oliver tripped Jake on his way out.
"Asshole"I said as I helped Jake up.
"Thanks"He said.

I saw that Oliver had pushed Jake on the floor but I wasn't going to anything about it.I walked up Y/N but I saw and Oliver talking so I left and waited for Lexy to come of Ms.Fairchild's classroom.It was pretty boring until Y/N started to walk up to me.

After I helped Jake get up I told him I'll see him later and I started walking up toward Junior.
"Heyyy bestie!"I exclaimed.
"Hey..."He said.
I nudged him with my hand.
"Damn junnie who pissed in your Cheerios"I asked.
"You know I hate that nickname"He said.
"Okay and you still haven't answered my question"I said.
"Bro just stop acting like you care about me okay! And I have a girlfriend and she loves me and..I.....lo- I gotta go".He yelled as he stormed away .
"Damnnn he didn't say he loved her back now that's crazy"Jake said from behind me.
"Jake hush"I said to him.
"What did I do don't get mad at me because lover boy yelled at you"He said."-And plus we still have to go to my house for the sleepover"He added.

Hi my lovebugs💕💕
I hope your doing well and if your not I hope you feel better

Hi my lovebugs💕💕I hope your doing well and if your not I hope you feel better

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