Alive[Part 17]

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📍8:30 am

"Juniorrrr let go I'm going to late"I exclaimed removing his hands from my waist.

"One more, pleaseeee"He begged pulling me back into the same position.

"Oh my gosh Junior" I grabbed both sides of his face and pecked his lips.
"There is that good?"I asked pulling my phone out checking the time.

"I guess, we can go now"He said.

"Good, because I was not about to be late because of you" I told him as we walked to our classes.

"You guys!!" Jake yelled from behind us. We both turned around facing him.

"What happened?"I asked.

"Listen, Lexy and I killed him last night" Jake whispered. Junior and I both shared confused faces.

"While you two were being cuddly on couch Lexy told me her plan"

"So he's gone?"Junior asked in shock.

"If he's not dead from what we did to him he's using cheat codes "Jake said shrugging.

"Oh.."Junior said.

"Are you okay?" I asked him rubbing his back.

"I guess.."He said.

"I have to use the bathroom, so see you guys later"Jake said as he started to walk away.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, lets go I don't want you to be late" He said and I sighed In defeat.

We had finally made it to my class. I was about to walk in, but Junior stopped me. By grabbing my wrist.

"Y/n?" He asked.


"I saw him.."He said and he walked away.

What does he mean by he saw him?
Who is 'him'?

I walked into my class and sat down in my seat.

"Okay class today we are starting a new partner project!"Ms.Miller said.
I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying until I heard my name being called.

"Y/n and Tobias"She said.
"Everyone can go sit next to their partners" She continued. If I'm being honest I don't know who Tobias is, but I hope he's smart because I'm not doing this project by myself. I was lost in my thoughts until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"You're Y/n right?"I boy with curly hair asked me.


"I'm Tobias, but you can call me Tobi"


He sat down next to and I opened my cromebook

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He sat down next to and I opened my cromebook.

"What topic do you want do?" I asked.

"What does it have to be about?"

"Skin"I told him.

"How about why do people that live in different regions have a higher chance of getting skin cancer?"He said.

"Okay"I said.

"Y/n can I get your number?"He said pulling his phone out.

"Yeah sure"I grabbed his phone and put my number in. I then handed his phone back.


Class was now over I said bye to Tobi and started walking to my next class. I decided to take a new way to my next period so Junior wouldn't find me since He always ends up making me late.

"Y/nnnn"Speaking of the devil. I sighed and turned around.

"How did you find me?" I asked and continued to walk.

"I saw you leave duh"He said rolling his eyes. I laughed a little.

"Don't you have p.e second period?"I asked him.


"The gym is that way though"I said pointing in the opposite direction of us.

"I know, I enjoy making you late" he joked as we started walking to my next class.

"Junior? When you told me 'I saw him' who did you see?"I asked him and I stopped walking. He noticed I wasn't beside him anymore so he stopped as well.

"It's nothing" He said in a low tone.

"Stop being stubborn and tell meee" I whined.

"I saw chucky in auditorium"He told me.

"Did he see you?"I asked with a worried face.

"If he can see in the dark" He replied.

"What do you think he was doing in there?"I asked him.

"Probably getting ready to kill you"He said shrugging. I smacked his shoulder.

"Junior that's not funny"

"I wasn't joking"

"Hey y/n I can come over to your place later instead because my dad is home"Tobi said as he walked up to us.

"We can walk together if that's okay with you?"I asked.

"Yeah sure, see you later"

"Bye tobiii"I said waving.

"Who's that?"Junior asked me.

"He's my partner for Ms.Miller's project"I said. He nodded his head and we walked to my class.

HELLOOOO MY LUVBUGSS💕(832 words)I hope you enjoyed

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(832 words)
I hope you enjoyed

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