🏳️‍🌈[Part 9]

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(Timeskip Y/N'S POV)📍
Evens Home
  "Okay let me get this straight, you're telling me that your boyfriend's doll is possessed by a serial killer in 80's and that he killed Jake's dad and Annie"I recited.

  "Yes and no? Also Jake is not my boyfriend-"He mumbled the last part.
"Yet!"I exclaimed.

  "I don't know for sure if-"He paused."J-jakes doll killed Lucas and Annie but I don't want you going over the Wheeler's house anymore.."He added.

  "But what about Junior?"I had whined.
"Y/N, look go over there if you want to just know if you see some freaky doll chasing you down the hallway don't come running to me."He stated.

"But what if something happens to Junior"I told him.(well...)
"I don't know! Fuck Junior no offense—but didn't he kiss Lexy?"He questioned.
"No but-"I tried to say.
"Junior's and I are friends but I don't want you to get all caught up in the drama him and Lexy have"He responded.
"Also did you see the way Oliver was looking at you"

"What do you mean?"
"With loveee"He sung.
"Don't.ever.sing.again."He told him.
"Why are you being so meannn"he whined.
"Why did you betray me?"I asked.
"What are you talking about?"He made a confused face.
"That you have a crush on Jake"
"I-uh-well-um I have to go feed the-FISH yeah the fish."He said getting up from my bed.

"Devon are fish died, I just wanted to know why you wouldn't think to tell me something like that?"I asked.
"I was...e-embarrassed I thought if I told anyone they would act differently towards me..and just didn't feel like dealing with that."He stated.
"I get that but OLIVER?! out of all people Oliver"I told him.

"Technically he found out but it doesn't matter because you know now"He smiled.
"Whatever"I rolled my eyes.
"It's not like you and Jake can date anyway"I told him.
"Why?"He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Because mom doesn't like him"I stated.
He sighed.

"Maybe Jake and I could date secretly"
"Devon let's face it you're mom's favorite
do you really want to upset her?"I told him.

"I don't even know if he likes me back"He started to frown.
"Devon he doesn't like you he's obsessed with you he literally listens to your podcast everyday and he talks about you nonstop."I told him.

"What does he say?"He asked.
"Look me telling you that he listens to your podcast was enough."
"Anyway, Oliver or Junior?"He asked.
"What type of question is that obviously my boyfriend who hasn't asked me to his girlfriend."
(does it bother some of you if I use girlfriend? Just let me know and I can change it<3)

"Devon can we discuss this some other time I still have to shower and I also need to go to bed tomorrow's Halloween."I told him.
"Yeah I need to go to bed to but Y/N..?"He asked.

" yeah?"
"Please don't tell Jake about the crush thing."He said in a low voice.

"Now why would I do that"
He shrugged.
"One more thing..don't get killed." And with that walked he out my door.

"I should probably get my Halloween costume out and ready for the party tomorrow"I thought to my self
I had walked over to my closet and got out my costume and hung it up on the hook on the door.

Now look I was going to do a Jane Costume but I want more drama in the story, sorry to the person that recommended it💕

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Now look I was going to do a Jane Costume but I want more drama in the story, sorry to the person that recommended it💕



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Yep he's beast boy matching costumes cute huh😽😽

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Yep he's beast boy matching costumes cute huh😽😽

Hiii lovebugss💕Y'all I know it's a short chapter

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Hiii lovebugss💕
Y'all I know it's a short chapter

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