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                   JUNIOR'S POV
I was walking into school it was pretty normal until someone grab my hand.
"What do you want Lexy"I said annoyed.I said lettin my g go of her hand.
"Well good morning to you too junnie"She said.
"Don't.call.me.that."I said as I started to walk away.

"Junior wait!" He she yelled. I turned around now our faces were super close. As I was about to take a step back she kissed me. I didn't kiss back obviously.I pushed her back and wiped my mouth with my sleeve.I saw Oliver looking at us and he quickly walked away when he saw me look back at him.Shit.He's going to tell everybody.I walked into class and sat down.

Ms.Fairchild had to use the restroom so I pulled out my phone and texted Y/N.
I had asked what they were wearing to the party but she never responded. I know they saw it because it said read.All these thoughts had started going through my head.

"They hate you"
"They never want to see or talk to you again"
"They don't love you"
"You deserve it"
"You're a horrible person"
"Nobody likes you"
They just wouldn't stop and I felt my eyes start to water. All my thoughts got cut off by the bell ringing. I got up and I saw Y/N walking out of the classroom.I decided to act like nothing happened because maybe Oliver hasn't told them. I hoped I was right.I walked up to them and wrap my arms around their waist.
                       Y/N'S POV
As soon as I was about to text him back Mrs.Fairchild walked into the classroom.
I put my phone back into my back pocket and she continued on with the lesson.

As I started walking out of class.I felt arms wrap around my waist I start to turn around and Our faces were just inches apart.

"You never answered my question"Junior said as he let go of my waist.
"Mrs.Fairchild had walked in do you want me to get my phone taken again" I say with an attitude.

"Just answer the question"He demanded.
"You can wait"I said walking into the cafeteria. I sat down next to Jake and I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Y/N can we talk"Oliver said.
"Uhhh...I guess what is it?"I asked him.
"In private"He told me. I sighed and followed him into the hallway.
"What did you want to talk about?"I asked him again.

"Look I don't know how to tell you this but,earlier today I saw Lexy and Junior kissing and I just thought you should know"He told me. I didn't know how to feel.I felt arms wrap around me.Oliver was hugging me.
Oliver and I don't really get along to well but,I had hugged him back.
It wasn't a weird hug it felt genuine like he meant it. I pulled away from the hug.

"Thanks,um do you want to eat lunch with me because my brother and Jake seem to be eat theirs together."I asked him. He was very hesitant about what I just asked him.
"It's okay you-"I tried to say as he cut me of.

"Sure I would love to"He said as we sat down at a table. We were talking about a lot of random things and he's actually pretty funny. We had exchanged phone numbers.
"You can text me anytime you feel sad or if you have nobody to talk to"He told me.
"Why are you being so nice all of sudden"I asked him.

"What do you want me to be mean"He said.
"He's starring again"I whispered to Oliver.
"Just ignore him"He said referring to Junior who kept starring at me.
"Yeah but it's starting to get creepy"I told him.

"Doesn't he usually stare at you though"He responded.
"Well yeah but, not every five seconds like  a creep"I said.
"Is jake single"Oliver asked me.
"Why do you like Jake or something"I asked him.
"No!-I know somebody who does"he told me.
"Oooouuu who is it!!" I asked him getting very excited.
"You can't tell him okay"He whispered to me.

"I promise"I whispered back holding my pinky up.We had pinky promised.
"Devon told me he likes Jake like big time"Oliver whispered. I gasped, I felt shocked and betrayed how my own brother not tell me.

"We should totally get them together"Oliver told me.
"I thought you didn't like Jake"I asked him.
"I don't but, Devon is my friend and it wouldn't right if I didn't help him out"he told me.
"Mhm let me find out you and Jake are secretly best buds"I say.
"Never that"Oliver told me.

Jake and I were walking to "his" house and Junior was on his phone walking not too far behind us.It was a comfortable silence until Jake broke it.
"Why were you and Oliver talking"He asked me.I saw Junior turn off his phone which was weird.

"When at lunch"I said playing dumb.
"Yes obviously "he said.
"I'll tell you later"I told him. I seen Junior get annoyed with my answer. I really didn't care how he felt because obviously didn't care how I felt when he kissed Lexy. Thinking about it made me even more made then I already was so I pulled out my AirPods and called it a day.

We had walked into Junior's house and Junior tried to put in the code for the door alarm thing and Jake had told him Bree and Logan had changed the password. I saw that Junior was getting angry with Jake. I knew I was going to hate myself for what I was about to but, I know Junior and if something pushes him to far he's going to say something that he would regret.I walked over to him still mad at him for Kissing Lexy and I kept telling myself that as I held his hand and gave it a little squeeze to assure him that everything is going to be okay.He looked at me with wide eyes as we walked into the kitchen.

TEOOO💜💜HIIIIII MY LOVEBUGSSS💕💕(1120words)Was this long enough for you guys because I can start doing 1000 word chapters because it doesn't take me that long to write them

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Was this long enough for you guys because I can start doing 1000 word chapters because it doesn't take me that long to write them. Also I want honest feed back like was it to cringe,boring,needs more drama etc.
Like if think the story is good so far what's good about is or if you have any suggestions let me know

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