Scared😱[Part 15]

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📍Wheeler's Home
4:30 pm

Junior and I just had arrived at his house a half hour ago. I am currently laying in his bed on my phone since he's in the shower doing whatever he does in there.
It was kinda dumb of him to let me take a shower first since he knows I'm going to take all the hot water.

"Y/nnnn?"Junior said coming out of his bathroom.

"Whattt?"I asked him.
"Also put a shirt on nobody wants to see that"I told him.

"I have sweats on"He rolled his eyes.

"What was the question you wanted to ask me?"I asked.

"Why did you use all the hot water? It was so cold in there I started shivering"He whined.

"I don't know what you're talking about, maybe you should asked Jake he seems pretty quiet"I told him.

"Oh now that I think about he has been pretty quiet.."He said.

"Yes so go talk to him about your cold shower and how you had the shivers"I said.

"Do you think I'm stupid"Junior said sitting on the bed facing me.

"No?..kindaaa, but that adds character"I said patting his bare shoulder.

"I know you're lying to me and it's sad to think that my own girlfriend would lie to me and blame it on my cousin" He said with his hand on his chest fake hurt.

"Okay look would you rather have me, your guest take a cold shower or you who lives here take a warm shower?"I said.

"Well obviously I want the warm shower"He said shivering.

"Now you're doing to much and if you were that cold you would put a shirt on"

"I was going to put a shirt on, but you wearing the one I was going to wear"He said grabbing my phone.

"What are you doing?"I asked him as he got up and went inside the bathroom. He then walked out the bathroom with a small smirk on his face.

"Here."He said handing me my phone.

"Junior now what makes you think I want this as my wallpaper"I say to him.



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"I hope you know that you don't look very good in that photo"I said changing my wallpaper back to how it was.

"Oh.."He said putting on a shirt. I sighed and grabbed his wrist pulling him into bed.

"Awe baby you know I didn't mean it like that" I say rubbing his back.

"I know I just wanted to make you feel bad"He said but it was muffled from his head being buried into my chest. I got up from his bed.

"Hey where are you going"Junior whined.

"I'm going to go talk to Jake"I said.

"You can talk to him later"

"I haven't talked to him all day because I've been hanging out with you"

"So I'm your boyfriend and he's not"


"Wait let me come with you"

"Why are you scared to be by yourself" I tease.

"N-no I'm going so I can protect you"

"Jake already told me that you've been having trouble sleeping"

He then stormed out of the bedroom into Jake's. You followed behind him curious on what going to happen next.

"Junior I was getting sick of you coming in and out of my room every night because you can't sleep what else was supposed to do?" Jake said annoyed.

"Says the one who has nightmares every night and come crying to me about them"Junior said in the same annoyed tone.

"I wasn't even crying!-"Jake argued.

"Okay enough, you guys are starting to get on my nerves with the arguing-"I told them.

"Can you shut up for one second you're acting like you and Devon don't argue every five seconds"Junior yelled slightly. Now I know he's my boyfriend, but he is not about to talk to me like I'm stupid. I didn't feel like dealing with all that and I probably would have something out of pocket and went back into Junior's bedroom.


"If I were her I would break up with my boyfriend if he ever talked to me like that"Jake laughed.

"Can you just be nice for once?" I said walking out of his room into mine. I saw
Y/n laying on her stomach. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to her.

"Forgive and forget?"I say shrugging. She let out a faint chuckle.

"You're so stupid"She said sitting up. The there was a knock on my window which is weird since my bedroom is on the second floor.

"Dibs out!"She said. I pulled her into my lap and used her as a shield. They knocked again, but this time it was louder.

"Your last name is longer so you have to check"She said getting off my lap and pushing me off the bed. She had pushed me so hard I fell on the floor.

"You okay?"She said looking at me.

"What do you think" I said getting up from the floor.

"Well now that you're up you should go check"I tells me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed one of my trophies.

"What are you going to do with that"Y:n asked still on the bed.

"Hit him with it"I told her.

"What if the trophy breaks"She asked. I shrugged knowing the only person who would be mad if it broke would be my father.

I opened the window and ??? walked stepped.

"Do you know how hard it was to clime up here" ??? Said.

HELLO MY LUVBUGSSS💕I hoped you guys enjoyedIf you didn't well I don't know what to tell you🤷🏾‍♀️

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I hoped you guys enjoyed
If you didn't well I don't know what to tell you🤷🏾‍♀️

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