Chips[Part 14]

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Before the chapter starts I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not going to add the funeral scene and I'm just going to say it was a normal funeral and Lexy wasn't there.(And Junior didn't punch Jake💀)

📍Evens Household
8:00 am

"I hope you get dress coded"Devon said getting in the backseat of our mom's car.

"You're just mad because I called shotgun"I laughed.

"No I'm being serious look at your jeans"He said.

"What about them?"I asked.

The outfit in question:

 "Can you guys not argue this early in the morning you're going to give me a headache"My mom said as she started the car

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"Can you guys not argue this early in the morning you're going to give me a headache"My mom said as she started the car.

"We're not arguing Devon is mad because I'm sitting in the front."I told her.

"Whatever.."He sighed.The rest of the drive was silent except the faint sound of the radio. Then, the Evens finally arrived at school.

"Okay we're here, seriously guys no more arguing"She said as we got out the car.

"We weren't even arguing"Devon said
As we started to walk inside. I saw Junior at his locker looking into space. I tapped Devon's shoulder.

"I'm going to go check on him"I said walking away.

"Junior?"I said to him, but he didn't move.

"Junior?"I said again, but this time I shook his shoulder. He flinched at the touch of my hand. I would've asked him if he was okay, but I stopped myself because clearly he's not, not after what he's been going through.

"I'm sorry-"He said as I pulled him into a hug.

"I miss her.."He said holding in tears.

"I know I know"I kept repeating that same sentence as I rubbed his back.I don't know why he even came to school.
I tried to let go, but he pulled me back in.

"Junior-"I said.

"I know..the bell is about to ring"He said a little irritated and let go of the hug.

"Come let's go"I said dragging him to class.

"You know I can walk by myself?"He said.
I let go of his hand and started to walking away since we had different classes.

"Wait!" Junior yelled. I turn around.

"What?"I asked him.

"You know I walk you to all your classes"He said crossing his arms. As he said that the bell rung which means we have 5 minutes to get to our next period.
I used to have Ms.Fairchild's class for my first period, but I switched out because I didn't want to have p.e so early in the day since it was my second period.

📍 School 12:15 pm

The bell had rung signaling it was time for lunch. I quickly walked out of class and went to the vending machine. I grabbed me a bag of Doritos . I usually wouldn't grab those type of chips, but that's the only kind they have since I'm at school which sucked but it's better than eating school lunch. I also know that they're Junior's favorite so if I don't want anymore they won't go to waste.

"Y/nnn I've missed youuu"I heard my boyfriend say from behind me. I turn around and open my bag of chips.

"You just saw me a hour ago during passing period"I told him as we headed to the cafeteria.

"So?.."He said and put his arm around my shoulder "secretly" grabbing some of my chips.

"You know I can see you"I said.

"Whatever-"He said eating the handful of chips he stole.

"Junior don't eat with your mouth full it's disgusting"I said walking into the cafeteria with Junior following behind me. I sat down at a random empty table and Junior sat down right next to me.
He tapped my shoulder and I looked at him as he held his hand out signaling he wanted some more of my chips. I rolled my eyes and just gave him the bag letting him have it. I didn't even eat any of the chips, but I wasn't really hungry anyway. I then laid my head on his shoulder as he continued to munch on the chips like he was starving.

"Junior slow down.."I told him.

"Can we get in-N-out before we go to my house"He said balling the bag chips up because he was finished.

"But in-N-out is like twenty minute walk"I told him slightly irritated knowing I'm going tired after school.

"Fine,but then that means we're not stopping to get boba" He said looking at me with real serious look.

"Okay we'll go to in-N-out but you're paying for it"I said.

"I was going to anyway" He said shrugging.

HELOOO MY LUVBUGS💕💕💕This was a short chapter my bad😪😪It would have been longer but I didn't know what else to put💀(826) words

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This was a short chapter my bad😪😪
It would have been longer but I didn't know what else to put💀
(826) words

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