'Hate on Junior day' [Part 12]

440 10 26

11:15 pm
📍Hackensack Hospital
(I don't know the actual name)
⚠️A lot of dialogue for some reason ⚠️

It felt like I've been walking for ages to make it Junior's room. I was almost there until a certain blonde bump me.
"Are you gonna say apologize for bumping into me" I said to her. She looked me up and down, then she scoffed and walked away. What's her problem.
I just left it alone because there's already enough going on.

I was gonna knock on the door but I forgot..that's okayy he'll be fine.
"Junnieee"I said sitting next to him. He sighed closing his phone. He didn't have to do all that🙄.
"Where did you even come up that nickname" He said.

"Why do you not like it.."I asked him.

"No! no there's nothing wrong with it, it's just different that's all" He said scratching the back of he neck.

"Do you think I'm dumb or something Junior "

"I never said that"He said in defense.
"Why do you have bandages on your arm?" He continued.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you.."I said looking into his eyes.
(If you don't remember here's a small flashback)

He jumped on her back as he did that she dropped her lit blunt and I didn't pay any attention to it bad move. I tried to make him let go of her but he bit me.

"Ow! You stupid doll now I probably have rabbis!!"
"You can't get rabbis from a doll!!Now hurry and get this thing off of me!!" She yelled.

End of flashback.

"Why would you think that who am I a horrible boyfriend??"He said hurt.

"Kinda.."I said jokingly.

"Name one reason why I'm a bad boyfriend."

"Okay, you've never asked me on a date"

"It was never the right time"


"Okay but that doesn't make me bad boyfriend.."

"I know idiot I was joking"I said grabbing his hand. I kinda wish he would've asked me on a date right now even though it sounds stupid. I thought I hinted it very well.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but we kinda you guy's help..yes you too Junior😒"Jake said busting into the door.

"Why is everybody being so mean to me, what is 'hate on Junior day'"

"If that's the case it's hate on Junior day everyday"Jake laughed. I let out a faint laugh, but I guess it was loud enough for Junior to hear.

"You too!?" He said I quickly stopped laughing.


"Can you guys hurry up I'm not trying to get killed."Devon said.

"Killed?? What are you talking about?"Junior questioned.

"You didn't tell him"Jake said. I just shrugged.

"Tell me what??"Junior said getting up from the couch.

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