Dinner...yay![Part three]

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               3RD PERSON POV
Jake and Y/N got to his house pretty fast. Y/N had placed her stuff down and pulled out a phone. "I thought you said your mom took your phone away"Jake stated.
"She did"Y/N told him.
"If she did then what is that"Jake asked.
"Ohhh this is the phone I keep under my bed"Y/N told Jake.
"Wait I shouldn't have asked you that.."Jake said nervously.
"Why"you asked.
"Because if Ms.Evans asks me do you have another phone what am I supposed to do LIE"Jake yelled.
"Your not going to jail Jake"You reassured.
He sighs and sits down at his desk and spins the chair facing Y/N. You sat on his bed as you placed the phone beside you.

A/N!!!: The story line is a little different in my story.So when you read it don't be like"Oh didn't this happen before that" "Did you even watch the show"? Okay I warned you💕

                         Y/N'S POV
"Y/N there's something I need to tell you"
"What is it"I asked.
"My family is having a family dinner and when I say family I mean my dad and I. Anddd Junior and his parents"He nervously laughed"On the bright side you guys could make up"Jake added.
"I don't want to make up with him,he said he has a girlfriend and told me to "stop caring" about him"I told Jake.
"Y/N do you really think he means that.."
"No but-"Jake had cut me off.
"No if's and buts about it,you guys will make up"Jake stated.
"Yes ma'am" I said.
Time skip
                        Y/N'S POV
Junior and his parents were here now don't get me wrong I love Bree and Logan's okay...I guess. We all sit down and guess who sitting next to me,Junior!!Yay I'm so happy like I really wanted to sit next him so badly.
(Y'all this conversation is not going to be accurate to the actual show)
"So Y/N you haven't came to the house in so long I've been wanting to go on another girl's day"Bree said.
"I'll text you a date we can go because there is a a new store in the mall I've been wanting to go to"I told her.
"I thought you didn't have your phone"Junior stated. I stepped on his foot.
"Anyways Junior how are your grades I think I remember you talking about missing homework correct me if I'm wrong"I said. He then steps on my foot.
"Is this true Junior"Logan said.
"No Y/N must have bumped her head on the way here,I really don't know why she would say something like that"Junior said with an attitude that was really noticeable.
"Oh I'm sorry Junnie I just don't want you to start slipping you know the scouts pay attention to those things"I said innocently.
"Well okay then we have some big news!"Bree said excitedly.
"Guess who made it to nationals!"Bree said.
"Congratulations"I told him.
"Thanks.."He responded.
"That's good!"Lucas said(Jake's dad).
"Can I use the bathroom"I asked.
"There's no need to ask just go"Jake told me.
"I was trying to be polite"I said as I walked away.I pulled out my phone and texted Junior.

Bestie💕:Can you come to the bathroom INeed to talk?

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Bestie💕:Can you come to the bathroom I
Need to talk?

JUNNIE😤💙:Okay hold on🙄
Read 8:47 pm

Hello my lovebugs💕Hope you all are doing well and If you're not I hope you feel better

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Hello my lovebugs💕
Hope you all are doing well and If you're not I hope you feel better.
Was this too short or was it okay😕

Was this too short or was it okay😕

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