"It's my mom.."[Part 13]

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(Now listen I was going to make Junior tell Y/N his mom has cancer like in the show like when he tells lexy but, it's my story so my rules🤷🏽‍♀️)

📍Evens Household
9:50 am (Sunday)

I had just got out the shower when I got a phone call.I was pretty tired today because yesterday I had to listen to Jake talk about how only he dug through the trash to be nice not because he likes Devon. I was also tired because being at the hospital can really take a toll on you.

"Who is it now" I said walking over to my bed. I picked up the phone and the contact name 'JUNNIE😤💙'.
I quickly answered because he usually doesn't call me this early into the day.


"Y/n can you come over? Please it's a emergency"He said as he breathing was heavy and his voice was shaking.

"Yes I'll be over there give 5 minutes, do you need anything?"

"No, I just need you.." he said.

"Okay I'm my way"

"Thank you" He said and he then hung up. I put on a outfit real quickly and walked down the stairs.

 I put on a outfit real quickly and walked down the stairs

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(You can change it if you don't like It, I don't mind)

"Where are you going?" My mom asked me.

"Oh-I'm going to Junior's house he said he wanted to talk"I told her.

"Okay make sure you're home on time remember tonight is a school night"

"Ok"I said about to walk out the door.

"Y/n, girl I know you wasn't about to walk out my house without saying 'I love you'"My mom said.

"Oh my bad-I love you bye"I walked out the house.

"Y/n!"She called for me and I turned around.

"Your phone"She said waving it.

"Oops"I said to her grabbing it.

"Why are you being so forgetful this morning are you okay"She said put the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Oh my gosh Y/n you're burning up"She said.

"Mom, I'm fine"I told her removing her hand.

"I don't think you should be going over there if you're not feeling well, and you already know how I feel about Jake-"She said.

"If Devon asked you would let him go"I told her.

"Hey don't bring me into this"He said leaning on the door frame.

"What we all know you're the favorite"I said.

"I don't have a favorite okay, where did you even get this idea from??"She said pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Can we discuss this later I told Junior I'll be over there in 5 minutes"I told them.

"You can go,but we are not discussing this later I already told you-"She said.

"-you don't have a favorite"Devon cut her off.

"What did I say about cutting me off"she said turning around looking at him. As she did that I walked away.

Outside the Wheeler home
10:15 am

I finally made It longer than expected, but I still made it.I knocked on the door as I did that I heard shuffling behind it. I was met by Jake who looked really stressed out.

"Oh Y/n thank goodness you're here"He said. I looked at Jake's shirt and looked stretched out.

"Jake what's going on"I said walking inside.

"Junior he- Just go talk to him you're the only person he wants to talk to"Jake said motioning me to go upstairs.

"Is he okay?"I asked.

"What do you think?"Jake said with an attitude. After he said that I quickly walked upstairs and knocked on Junior's door. Which was locked.

"Jake I told you to leave me alone!"He yelled and It sounded like he's been crying.

"Junior It's me can you open the door"I said. I heard the door unlock and he quickly opened it. I looked him and it was worse than I thought. His eyes were red and puffy, His hair was messed up, and his face was really red.

"Oh baby what happened"I said putting hand on his cheek.I grab his hand as I walked in his really dark bedroom.I sat his bed as he lays his head on my lap.I play with his hair and we sit there in silence except for sniffling coming from Junior.

"Do you wanna talk about?"I said in low voice. He just shook his head.We ended up cuddling the whole time and watched movies until he fell asleep. I checked the time and it read 7:15pm. 'Shit' I thought I have to get home before 7:30 or my mom would kill me. I slowly got up trying my hardest not to wake Junior. I then walked downstairs to met with Junior's dad who looked to have been crying as well and since Junior didn't want to tell me I decided to ask him what happened.

"Um Mr.Wheeler?"I said trying to get his attention.

"Oh Y/n I didn't know you were here."He said turning around.

"Junior invited me"I told him.

"Oh then he must have told you.."He said.

"He actually didn't tell me anything that's why I was going to ask you"I said.

"She's gone Y/n"He said.

"What do you mean?Who's gone?"

"Bree she uh-had an accident.."He said.

"W-wha-"I tried to say before he walked away.I felt my eyes watering I quickly wiped my tears knowing that she wouldn't want me to be crying and wanted me to be happy. She wanted me to happy because she told me first about the cancer and how it was taking a toll on her. She told me  a day like this was going to come but I didn't think It come this quickly.I sighed and walked out the door knowing my mom is going to kill me because of how late I am.

I sighed and walked out the door knowing my mom is going to kill me because of how late I am

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I wanted to say thanks for 2k reads that really mean a lot to me.
1023 words.

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