+1 Friend [Part 11]

487 11 25

9:03 pm
📍Levy's house

It's Junior's fault I'm at this dumb party.
I was a little nervous to walk in her house knowing my mom told me I had to apologize to her(lexy). I'm starting to think my mom hates me.
"Are you gonna go in or what?" My brother asked me.

"Yeah..I just need to mentally prepare myself "I told him.

"Just go in you'll be fine, all you need to do is apologize you don't have to befriend her."Devon assured.

"Okay fine..what's the worst thing that can happen?...actually don't answer that."

"Y/n stop stallingggg"He said dragging out the 'g'. I knocked on the door and we were was greeted by Oliver. He looked at me, we held eye contact until Devon interrupted.

"Are just gonna stare at my sister all day or you gonna let us in?"He asked.

"Oh yea my bad"He said stepping aside. As I walked I saw my boyfriend talking to Lexy. Usually I would be a little mad seeing my boyfriend talking to his ex but, I have to learn how stay calm.
I walked into the kitchen to get me something to drink but, all the drinks were infused with alcohol.So I just grabbed a water bottle because who knows how much alcohol these drinks have.

"I see you're picking the lame option." Oliver said walking into the kitchen.

"No, I'm picking the safe option" I said as I opened the bottle.

"Same thing."He said pouring him some of whatever drink he was drinking.

"Don't get mad at me because you're a loser."I told him.

"What-I'm not a loser!"He exclaimed.

"Only losers say things like that" I told him.

"Whatever."He said.
I was about walk away until I felt someone grab my arm.

"Y/n wait, I just wanted to apologize for being an asshole at my party and I wanted to Know if we were cool?"He asked.

"Yeah we're cool."

We both smiled at each other.

"Am I interrupting something?"Junior asked.

"Junnieee I haven't talked to you all day"I said as I hugged him.

"I should go.."Oliver said going into the living room.

"What we're you two talking about?"He said letting of me.

"Nothing really he just apologized for what happened at the party"I told him.
"Do you know where Lexy is?"I asked him.

"I think she's in her room"

"Oh okay thanks"

"Wait why are you looking for Lexy anyway?"

"My mom told me I have to apologize."I said leaving.

"You literally just told me you haven't talked to me all day and now you want leave me all alone.."He said and I turned around.

"I just need to apologize then we can talk about whatever you want."I assured him.

"Do you not love me anymore.."He asked clearly joking.

"Junior shut up"
He just laughed and I walked upstairs trying to find Lexy's room. I saw Oliver dancing with his headphones on. He looked stupid. I finally found her room and I knocked on the door.
"Come in.."
I opened the door and shut it behind me.

"Look Lexy before you say anything I just wanted to apologize for what happened at the party."

"That must have been hard for you."She said as she took another hit of her blunt,

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