Chapter 6: I Get It

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An alarm rang through Jungkook's dorm, waking him up from his nice sleep. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes.  He stretched, but immediately regretted doing so when he felt sharp pain through his body. His body didn't feel as painful and sore as the day before, but it still was very painful. He pushed off the covers and slowly walked with slight groans to the bathroom. Seeing as he could move his body a little more, he stepped into the shower. Letting the warm water hit his achy muscles. Once he had finished he applied some ointment to his bruises. He looked at his eyes. It was less swollen and bruised compared to other parts of his body.

Either way, he still looked fucked up so he decided to wear his cap again after dressing. He ate breakfast, put on his mask to cover himself once more and headed out the door so he wouldn't be so late to his lectures.  The day passed slowly, and as always Jungkook was alone. After his last class Jungkook figured he'd better just head to the garden that Jimin told him about. As he was walking he saw many beautiful flowers and trees. He knew he still had time before the meet up, so he decided to take out his camera  and capture the beautiful scenery.

  Besides art, dancing, and singing, Jungkook loved photography too. In his free time  he would always go and take pictures of anything that caught his eye. There was just something about photography that made him fall in love with it. Perhaps it was how sometimes through a photograph you could transcend the moment or feeling of that person, place, or object. Or it was the way that taking a photograph captured the special moments in life forever. Jungkook didn't truly know, but he loved it and it was important to him. It was more of a hobby to him, but a hobby that he loved and had a passion for.

  He eventually stopped taking pictures once he felt like he captured what he needed. He didn't store his camera away. Instead as he walked, he took more photos, looking back at them from time to time with a smile, satisfied with what he had. He felt a tiny bit of pain shoot through his lip as he smiled, but it didn't hurt enough to stop. When he finished looking through them, he shut his camera down and stored it into his backpack carefully.

He looked at his phone and read the time. It was 15 minutes before five. He sighed. He knew he came earlier than planned, but he honestly wanted some alone time admiring the beautiful garden. He knows he is already a loner, but the garden can get crowded with people studying or hanging out.He kept his eyes on his phone until he got bored. He looked at the tree leaves moving as a nice breeze hit them. Suddenly, as he was watching the scene, he wondered just how him and the others would make this work. Doesn't understand how they can put things into a professional level. They've always fought and said mean remarks. They never saw eye to eye. From the moment he interacted with them, they never really got along. He tried being neutral with them, but the others would bite back. It was obvious they did so because of the rumors and how he shows himself off. However, he thought the group would be the last people he would really have trouble with. The campus always talked about how they never judged, criticized, or were mean to people without reason. What a complete lie that was. Yet, he knows not everybody is what others say they are. He should know that too well.

"I truly hope professor Jang is right and this could work." He sighs, he removes his mask after feeling some pain in his ear. He plays with it and feels a shadow cover the sun.  "Alright asshole, we are here! Let's start talking about this damn project." Someone in a low but bright tone says. He looks up to meet eyes with 6 boys. All but Jimin, were taken back when they saw his face. Jungkook immediately regretted putting his mask down.

"What's wrong? Seeing something you like? Never seen a person with bruises?" Jungkook sarcastically asks.

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