Chapter 9: Roommate

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A/n: Hi! Warning, this is a long chapter about 7k words which is the most I've written in that point. Just because I have updated here means I've updated in AO3, I promise I'll update on AO3 hopefully before the months ends. I wish I could update weekly or more often like other authors, but I'm still getting used to being a college student so bear with me! Anyways hope you enjoy! ❤️

Jungkook opened the door of his dorm with a sigh. He took off his shoes and closed the door before going to his bed and falling on it. He smiled out of nowhere. He had just returned from working with the boys and eating. He didn't want to admit, but eating and observing the others and their antics was something fun and new for him. Though they still weren't friends or acquaintances, they at least were now classmates who would try to get along. Or so the younger hoped.

Although everything was still hard to process and take in, he was glad that they were at least becoming civil. Even if it doesn't show, Jungkook has always preferred to be civil with others outside of his life, but he knew he had finished doing so a while ago. He missed it, but he had priorities.

He was still in his thoughts when he felt his phone vibrate. He grabs and sees a notification email from the school. Surprised, he puts the phone down and grabs his laptop to be able to fully read the email. He opens it and logs in to his email. He clicks on the current one and starts to read it.

"" he shakes his head as he reads the email. Fear invades his senses. He couldn't believe what he was reading. To another person, the email wouldn't have really been a big deal, but to Jungkook, it was a big deal.

Jungkook had read how due to lack of space in the dorms, he would have to make room for another person to move in. A roommate was a big deal to him for many reasons. One, he never had a roommate growing up or shared a room with anyone and two, the dorm had now become his own little home, a place where he would feel free and private. Somewhere he could act how he wanted without anyone criticizing him or telling him something wrong. With a roommate, he wouldn't have that.

And he really didn't want that. Shaking his head he started imagining scenarios in his head on how a roommate can change the way he lived in his dorm. "What if he hates what I do when I'm in the dorm? What if he believes everyone else and makes my life harder? What if he hates me the moment we meet? What if he's someone from my past?" So many questions and worries were running through his mind and it was getting harder to breathe.

A roommate frightened him badly. He had just left home because of how judged and neglected his sister and father made him feel, and now soon, he may be getting that again. He tried breathing in and out to calm himself down, but it wasn't working. He knew only one thing would help and that was professor Jang. There were many other ways Jungkook knew he could do to cope with his anxiety, but he knew it wouldn't fully stop him from having a panic attack, he didn't know Professor Jang would fully help him either but he hoped so. He just for some reason only sawn her as the best option, so, Immediately he started emailing her, hoping the woman was on her computer checking emails.

Lucky for Jungkook, she was checking and sending emails during that time and responded back to the younger boy five minutes after.

" Dear Jungkookie,

Of course you can call me. I hope everything is ok. My number is xx-xxx-xx."

Jungkook read and inst antly started dialing in her phone number on his phone. He breathed in to calm himself down and waited for the older woman to respond.

"Hello, Jungkookie? Are you okay?" The woman responded with a worried tone, fearing that something horrible may have happened to Jungkook that would have caused him to email her at such a time.

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