Chapter 30: Everything Takes Time

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The ocean breeze felt just like how he remembered every time he came to Busan. It was a salty smell, but very natural. It's what let Jungkook and even Jimin know that they were home.

"Wow, it's been a while since I came to Busan, the weather is so nice right now and this ocean breeze is amazing," Namjoon said as he saw the scenery pass by his eyes. He looked to the side to see Jungkook smiling at the open window of the car.

He then looked at Jimin who was smiling as he drove. It had been a week and the seven boys had left Daegu early and came to Busan. Jimin had done the honors of driving them.

It was only a 40-minute drive an hour at the most with traffic, so they had left around 10 am so that they had time to see Busan, rest, and get some food in their stomach.

The boys had a lot of fun in Daegu and ate so much as well as visited many places that Yoongi and Tae, mainly Taehyung, remembered. They also got to spend a little more time with Yoongi's parents.

Overall, it was a good week and now they had one more left in Busan. Busan was bigger than Daegu, so the boys had a lot more planned. They were going to stay at a house that Jimin's parents had given to Jimin and his younger brother to share when they came to Busan and wanted to be alone, though it was barely used since they mainly stayed at their parents' house.

Jimin was very excited to see his parents again and some of his relatives who he would visit separately. He was also just very glad to be spending time at his home place with the boys and with Jungkook, who was from here too.

He wanted Jungkook especially to have good memories of Busan. He knows Busan has both bad and good memories for the youngest, like Seoul. So, he wanted him to have only the best experiences on this trip.

"Do you truly feel good to be back again in our place Jungkookie?" Jimin asked the younger one who was sitting next to him in the passenger seat.

He stopped paying attention to the outside view and smiled at the older man. "Yes, it's been a while...I haven't visited since my grandma passed away, so it feels sad, but I'm happy to see my hometown again," he kept smiling as he explained.

"I know I have both bad and good memories in Busan, but they are nowhere near as bad as the ones from Seoul. Plus, I'll be with you guys and until now...being with you all has been very fun and comfortable. You all have helped me clear my mind and emotions," Jungkook shyly confessed at the end and squirmed away from the older ones who found it cute to see Jungkook being so shy.

"Who would have thought that the boy who we used to think was mean and cold is very soft and a sweetheart!  How can no one like this side of you!" Tae says as he tries ruffling Jungkook's hair from the back. Jungkook shakes his head and smiles.

"Of course he is! He's a kind little one!" Jin adds in.

"I may be the youngest, but I'm no little one," Jungkook unintentionally pouts as he says but the others laugh.

"Hmm maybe say that again but without a pout that makes you look like a baby," Jiminie teases as the boys chuckle.

Soon enough they arrived at Jimin and Jihyun's home and began to choose bedrooms and unpack their things. Jimin had also given them a tour of the whole house. The house was very beautiful and near the beach too. It wasn't as big as the one from Daegu, but it was still comfy. It wasn't on the beach but near enough to be able to go and walk on the sand after crossing two streets.

"This place is so nice, Jimin hyung! Why don't you and your brother stay here as often?" Jungkook asks as he sits next to Jimin's bed. The two boys had ended up being roommates for this house.

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