Chapter 31: My Past

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The stars in the sky were very bright, while the ocean waves were a little loud but mostly calm. The weather wasn't too cold nor too hot; it was just right, and the mood, well, the mood couldn't be better. As Jungkook looked around, seeing himself surrounded by six other guys who were laughing and talking, he couldn't help but feel at peace, and he couldn't help but feel happy, too.

After dinner and spending some more time with Jimin's family, the boys decided they wanted to go to the beach and start a campfire to eat s'mores and look up at the bright stars. Enjoy the beach at night.

They had asked Jimin's parents and brother to come, but the older couple and the younger male decided to stay home and have the seven males enjoy their time at the beach. They would go with them another day, so the boys didn't fight it; they just enjoyed the serene night.

They had been here for an hour now, talking about whatever random thing someone came up with and laughing along to silly things. The mood was peaceful and pleasant.

"Hmm, this is very nice! These s'mores are good, too! It was truly a good idea to see the beach at night," Hobi says as he eats more.

"It was a good idea. Busan beaches are so amazing and beautiful. I don't see why Jungkook and Jimin didn't beg to stay here and live in a city filled with such nice scenery," Jin makes fun of the two Busan residents who smile.

"Hmm, we didn't have any other option, but I would often come when I came to visit my grandparents or during vacation, so I always enjoyed the beach a little after I moved to Seoul," Jimin explained as he rolled the marshmallow in the fire.

"For me, I used to come to the beach a lot with my grandma. Even when I had both of my parents, I can vaguely remember coming here to play. I only stopped after I went to high school. You can't do much when you leave for Seoul, no matter how much you want to stay. In that, I guess I too have had the luck to get some of this ocean as I grew up," Jungkook explained.

"By the way, Jungkookie, I don't mean to ruin the mood with this or anything. I wanted to say sorry about my parents bringing up your dad here and there, I hadn't had the chance to tell them about things. Your father is a very good close friend of my father. I'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable or upset. I planned to talk to my dad about it later today by phone," Jiminie apologized to Jungkook, who didn't get why he was doing it. There was no need for apologies.

"You don't need to apologize, Jimin. It's not like you guys will be able to warn your parents about everything. It didn't make me uncomfortable; I just found it confusing. Yeah, confusing about the things your dad said, but I was not upset. It's bound to happen, and he seems close to my dad, so it's fine. I would have said something by now if I had," Jungkook replied to Jimin, who nodded but still felt guilty.

"Now you know how I feel," Yoongi adds.

"Guys, it's truly okay, alright? I feel upset at my parents and the situation, but I am not upset at someone bringing them up. It's okay, really," Jungkook makes eye contact with everyone. He wanted them to stop feeling bad.

"Let's listen to Jungkookie. I'm sure he would actually say something if he felt bad, he's trying not to hide things anymore," Jin helps the younger out who smiled at him for helping him out.

"Okay, we will drop it," Jimin surrendered.

"I just feel confused because, according to your dad, he has said so many good things about me, feels proud of me, and whatnot, but then I've only seen him say a few good things about me to save face. I always thought he would rarely bring me up in general, yet your dad is proving me wrong, and I don't know what to think," Jungkook confessed his feelings. He has been confused ever since Mr. Park brought it up.

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