Chapter 36: Another Closed Chapter

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A loud fun and energetic beat could be heard throughout the mini hall of a dance studio. Inside it though, all that could be heard was the sound of shoes moving across the floor and heavy breathing. It was the sound of people working hard. More specifically the sound of sound of seven people working hard.

"Okay, I think we should end it there for the day. We've been doing this for six hours and I think we did enough! Who knew it was better if we all helped with the idea of the choreo for the song," Hobi stopped and spoke as he turned around to see his friends panting and sweating.

All seven of them had spent three days now trying to make choreography to their second song. While Jimin and Hoseok started the creating part first, the others wanted to chime in too to speed up the process and learn more skills.

It had been going well and they are sure they have the final version of the choreography done. Only some small details were to be changed or added.

"I told you it be a good idea! Now I need some water I'm so exhausted!" Taehyung comments as he goes to the waters and instantly opens one to then chug it. The rest heading his way while others find towels to wipe off their sweat.

"I think it's amazing how we made so much progress in just three days! I feel good about what we are doing," Namjoon sits down as he wipes his forehead and neck with a towel.

"It's a little stressful, but fun. I think we are in a good track too! I like how the dance is just fun but also attractive?" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows trying to describe the song and dance.

"Yeah, I think we will blow people away! Anyway, we need to get back at it on Monday. Let's use this weekend as a rest for many reasons," Jin sits next to Jungkook.

They usually practiced on weekends but with Jungkooks meeting up with their professor, they knew it was best to leave it for Monday.

They didn't know what would happen or what the outcome could be. Plus, it always was good to have some rest too.

"Let's not forget though, that we have another check on our performances with Professor on Tuesday. I think she was going to help more by giving feedback and helping us sing better as we dance," Jimin speaks as he puts his water bottle down.

"She is, that's what she's said in the last class of this week," Jungkook comments lowly.

"You're feeling nervous, aren't you?" Yoongi asked Jungkook who nodded. He did feel nervous. His talk with their mother was just less than 24 hours away and he honestly didn't know what would happen.

Didn't know how he would come out of it, but he was ready. Nervous but ready. Though he can't deny that everything has been close to each other, it can be a little rough, yet it needs to be done.

"Yeah, I don't know what will happen tomorrow and how it will affect the future. So, it makes me nervous but at least I'll have everything over with after," he looks at his hands.

"I'm mainly nervous for Eunjae though. She had less time to process it than me, and I told her she could have more time but she said no. She says she's determined to talk to her and get answers. Still, I know it's going to be a little more harder on her because she only saw her again once, so I don't know...I guess we will see," Jungkook frowns, hoping everything ends up at least in a civil manner.

"Well, whatever it is the outcome is I'm sure it's what life wants for you three. What applied to your talk with your father applies to your mother too," Jin pats him.

"I guess," he puts his mouth in a straight line.

"I at least have Dad out of the way. Let's see what happens with her. It still feels weird addressing her as a mom. Anyways, I'll let you know how things go, as always," he rolls his eyes in a light matter.

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