Chapter 28: First Time

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"Aww. How cute, we are glad to be what you need!" Jin smiles widely. Yoongi too, they found him cute. They all laughed and headed to the car where they all set themselves in and started the drive to pick everyone up.

They first went to get Namjoon and Taehyung who had gone home briefly to take more stuff. "I got some food that my mom made for you all! Oh, my mom also told me that she wishes to meet Jungkookie so you are com"Yoongi, do you have everything? We need to start heading out now to our first destination," Jin asked as he took the car keys of the minivan that his father had lent to him from his company.

Jungkook watched as he put the now-cleaned plate from breakfast in the cabinet. He had already freshened up and had some clothes lent to him from Jin, for Yoongi's clothes were too small for him. However, Jin's fit was a bit big, but he didn't mind, he liked big clothes and he felt good in them, too.

"Yes, I have everything. Who do you think I am, Namjoon? Nope, I have it all! We can start heading out now," Yoongi appeared with his bag of clothes and a backpack.

"Ready to go Jungkook? Feeling okay? You slept well yesterday and even cuddled me, which I didn't mind but still, dreams can change how well one sleeps," Jin asks, putting a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, who blushes at the mention of cuddling Jin to sleep.

"I guess I'm okay. I'm still processing everything and I did was a happy dream but waking up from that happy dream was rough. It may take me a while to feel better," he sighs, hugging himself.

"Good thing you have us! We will help you clear all those thoughts and emotions! It's natural for you to feel still out of it or trying to process. It's been less than 24 hours..." Yoongi gives him a warm smile.

"True, anyways I'm ready to go! It's 9pm, maybe we should start heading out. We will go pick up Jiminie and Hobi at... her house, is that okay?" Jin asked as they headed out the door and made sure everything was closed well.

They didn't know how to address her with Jungkook.

"You can call her Professor shouldn't affect how you guys call or see her really," he replies with a slight smile.

"It's... me who doesn't know what to call her anymore... it doesn't feel right to call her Professor anymore but at the same time it's what I'm used to. At the same time, it feels so foreign and strange to call her mom," he frowns as they walk to the elevator.

"Just say what you want or address her as you wish with us! You will figure that out too," Yoongi puts his hand on his shoulder as they enter the elevator.

"It's okay to go pick them up at her place. It's just, as long as I don't go in, it's fine, I don't mind. Thank you for looking for me... you guys are what I need right now," he looks down as he shyly says what was on his mind.

ing with me after our trip if that's okay!" Taehyung says as he gets in the car.

"Oh yeah. Hm, I don't think any of our parents have formally met Jungkook!" Namjoon stated as he put on his seatbelt.

"Already?" The boy asked nervously. While he appreciated that the boys' parent's wanted to know him, he still didn't know if he was ready for that. He never had met anybody's parents so he didn't know how he should act or what would happen.

"Well yeah, I mean we aren't going to hide you from our parents or feel ashamed to mention you. You are part of us so it's natural and right we tell our parents a little about you. It's what happens when you have friends," Taehyung replies as Jungkook nodded. He could tell the boy had never met anyone's parents.

Made him wonder if he ever truly had friends.

"You will meet Jiminie's though, they are in Busan right now and asked Jiminie if we could all come over and have some dinner with them," Yoongi says, adjusting his seat well as he would be the driver for the first few hours of the trip.

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