Chapter 13: Be There For Him

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Six boys looked at each other in small worry as they knocked on their professors door. "Hello Professor Jung!" Jin says shyly as he comes into the office first. The brown haired woman smiles warmly at them, "Guys, I am glad you are here, please take a seat!" She gestures to the couch in her office. They all bow as they come in one by one and try to get adjusted  to the medium size leather couch.

"So, you all may be wondering why I asked to meet with you guys, right?" She asks and the boys look at each other before nodding. "I wanted to speak with you guys for two reasons. One, I want to know how each of you are doing and if there's any difficulties you are having inside our outside class that you would like my help in? How's the project going? Is everything well so far?" She looks at all six. They decided to see who goes first.

"Well, I guess we are doing pretty well so far? Yes we are having some struggles here and then but nothing too bad I'd say? Or at least for me. I graduate this year with Yoongi but it's nice that I'll be able to get my masters here and keep seeing my friends and the professors. I'm scared of that process but I feel I can succeed. Even in our personal life we are doing okay." Jin responds fists with a genuine smile. She smiles back at the response.

"I think we all pretty much are in a good place right now with our academic life. Like hyung said, there's struggles but nothing too bad. No fights so far either between each other or Jungkook too. Yes we as a six bicker, but nothing so deep that would risk our friendship " Hobi adds and the rest not in agreement.

"Although we are doing well, I have to admit that we feel both so weird and at peace that Jungkook and us are in a good place." Taehyung goes out of his way to speak as he looks at her. She tilts her head in confusion. For a moment, the head tilt is found familiar to that of someone that Jimin knows but can't seem to find who.

"Would you mind elaborating more? I'm getting that you and Jungkook are all in a good page? Why is that? I mean, I've seen it but I want to know what you guys have done." She says as if she didn't know Jungkook's views.

"Working with him has taught us that he's not as bad as people say or as he probably makes himself to be. And or how we made him out to be. Yes, we still disagree with many of his ways, but the more we work on this project the more we feel that what he shows to others is just a mask?? Some sort of act? We could be wrong, but he for sure has proved us wrong in some things. Like proving to us that he takes his acamdeod seriously. When we got those song lyrics from him the first time, we all were in shock. It was so hard for us to believe someone like him could write such a thing. It was hard to believe that we were wrong in one part because we just had it stuck in our mind that he was bad in every area. However, Jimin here told us that not everyone that acts bad is bad for pure evil intention. Sometimes it's to hide and protect themselves. Even if it is the wrong way." Namjoon decides to rant on.

They didn't know what was making them release all these thoughts and feelings of Jungkook out loud. They guess it's because Professor Jang is trustworthy and understanding, and they know she can help them clear their views out. But they usually discuss if they want to do such a thing with someone or not first. So agreeing without a discussion seemed weird but refreshing and stress free for them. They wanted to talk about Jungkook and his thoughts. Even if she didn't directly mention them

"However, even if it was hard to believe, we knew it was true. But we are stubborn and we thought that at least academically we can get along, not outside class though. I guess we wanted to hold on to this bad image of him, but really not we can't help but find him like anyone else." Yoongi adds into the conversation.

"Okay so you all seemed to have been slapped to the face so to speak, that you all were mistaken by Jungkook after he showed that he cares about his academics and has deep experiences? Or in other words, you all were starting to see signs that Jungkook isn't most likely  who he acts after the lyrics? That was the first sign or step, am I right? I just want us to clear everything. It's okay if we are all over the place right now." She claps her hand together as she summarizes.

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