Chapter 11: A Very Bad Day

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He stood there in shock. He wanted to run, he felt the oxygen slowly leaving his body for the second time that day but he tried composing himself the best he could. "Wow, I still have the same effect on you." He smirks and Jungkook closes his eyes before closing them and opening them again. He wasn't the boy from the past.

"Still a scaredy cat, a coward too." He says in his ear and walks slowly to the front of the boy. "Choi Sungchul, I see that my eyes had the misfortune of seeing a dirty and cruel person like you." Jungkook replied back with strength, his outside demeanor showed toughness and bravery but inside he was still very afraid and small.

The other smirks, "I'm not too pleased to see you either. You know, I thought that I would finally have the luck of not seeing your disgusting weak face after you got run over and had switched schools. Guess not all dreams come true." He laughs and crosses his arms.

"If you didn't ever want to see my face again or be in my presence, then what in the fucking world made you decide to come here and talk to me? You know for someone who used to claim they didn't give a shit about me, you care a lot. Even after three years. Still immature and cruel as always." Jungkook spoke in a deep tone.

Sungchul kept a smile on face. It was clear that the Jungkook he was in front of was very different both physically and mentally. The old Jungkook would have never talked back to him, nor would they look so cold. However, despite the tough act, Sungchul had a feeling that deep down he was the same weak burden of the world.

"I guess it's true what people say. You know you call me immature, cruel, and what not but it seems like you are no better than me. Everyone on the campus says that you are cold and cruel, someone with no heart. How nice of them to believe you but deep down inside you are still the same weak, ugly, and pathetic little shit you have always been and will be for the rest of your life." Sungchul walks closer to Jungkooks face.

"What the fuck do you want from me. You already did a lot of damage to me so I have no idea why you are wasting your time talking to me and calling me name. It's in the past, why do you care so much about me? Seems like an obsession to me. If you are here to mess with me then I have some news for you. I'm not the same pathetic and weak Jeon Jungkook you speak of. I know how to fight my battles now, I also know when people are wasting my time. You are one of those people." Jungkook's finger points to the other male chest when emphasizing the "you."

"Why don't you do me a favor and not get in my way? Live your life and I live mine. Simple as that. Now move it." Jungkook pushes him with his shoulder and Sungchul laughs. "Running away like always? No surprise. You are still the same boy. Want to know why I don't leave you alone? Because you ruined my life in the past and I promised myself to have some pay back if I saw you again. I would have preferred to not see you ever in my life but I guess life wants justice for me."

"Justice? Please don't make me laugh. I'm the one who deserves justice here! Just get out my fucking way will you?!" Jungkook spat, not feeling fear anymore. Instead he felt irritation and anger

"Move you piece of shit!" Jungkook tried to walk a different direction but the other kept blocking his way. Soon enough Jungkook pushed him back with full force causing the other to fall. "Rookie mistake!" Sungchul said with anger and got up before punching Jungkook in the face. Jungkook's head went another way but quickly was held up and soon enough he was fighting back. "When will you ever fucking leave me alone! Let me be!" Jungkook punches him back twice and the other also defends himself by punching him in return. Jungkook was winning but at some point Sungchul got the upper hand by kicking his knee. The other winced in pain because it was the same knee he broke when he was run over. He grabbed Jungkook from the collar of his sweater and slammed him to the tree. Jungkook tried dodging the incoming punches and kicks but it was hard. "This is what you should get you fucking piece of shit! Fuck you Jeon Jungkook! I will get you back!" Sungchul was about to hit him when someone stopped him.

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