Chapter 39 Final: Won't Let You Down

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Jungkook looked at the curtain, he didn't know if what he would see once he took a peak would disappoint him or give him hope and happiness but he had to look.

Although things had been slowly getting better between him and his father or were getting better there still were some doubts in Jungkooks mind about him approving and truly showing that he was okay with both Jungkook and with him chasing music.

He didn't only feel nervous and fearful because it was the showcase day, but because today would determine if his dad would actually keep his word and show up. Come to support him publicly for once. To show that he's proud of him.

So slowly Jungkook looks at the curtain and into the big crowd. He knew the show started and that they were in the near middle and in a break, but he didn't get the chance to see the crowd before the show started. So he felt taken back and his nerves grew more seeing the areas of professionals and the areas of parents and family.

He ditched seeing the professional area and quickly looked at the family section and as he spent some time looking he was about to feel scared when he saw them right there and then, his dad sitting down with his sister and their grandparents. He found out his hyungs parents were a row behind his father too

He then slowly closes the curtain again.

He had come. He actually had come.

He guessed it was true that his dad accepted and wanted to repair their relationship. A smile appeared on his face.

He felt happy and satisfied that after so long he had family there. Family to support him and see his talent, but he also couldn't help but feel a little nervous and a little more emotional. But he couldn't cry right now.

The pressure increased though. This was the time to prove to his dad and everyone what he was made of and why he chose performing, show them that he deserved to be noticed and proud of.

He goes quickly to his dressing room and expects to see the hyungs and tell them the news when he sees it empty. He frowns, they were here before he left to go see the audience.

"Maybe they are somewhere else?" He asked himself and looked around in nearby areas but he couldn't find them. Suddenly he saw his mom and approached her,

"Mo- Professor!" He stops himself when getting close to his mother who was dressed up very nicely for the show.

"Yes, What's wrong darling? Oh my gosh look at you! Your hair is all fixed up already! You look so handsome!" She scrunched her nose and tried her best to not squish his cheeks.

"Professor please, I still have yet to put on my outfit and get my makeup done," he whines, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I know but I can't help it! Anyways I'll put my own stuff aside, what's up?" She asked, smiling at her son.

"Do you know where my hyungs are? I've tried finding them and looking in the dressing room, but I don't know where they are? Do you know?" He asked, feeling worried.

"Oh your hyungs! Hmm guess it's time then," she mumbled.


"I think I know where they went! Follow me, my little one! We may have to go outside the backstage areas but it's okay! You will see what I mean in just a few minutes!" She says grabbing his hand and following him out the back stage and into the crowd area. She then has him standing in the middle of the crowd where two seats were open, he looks at her confused.

"Why are we in the crowd area? I don't see then anywhere?" He asked.

"That's because you are about to see them right now on stage! Sit down Jungkook-ah because your hyungs have a treat for you!" Kyungmi smiles and makes him sit as he looks at her confused.

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