Chapter 37: I Forgive You

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"Okay we are here, are you ready noona? I couldn't help but see how nervous you were during the ride," Jungkook spoke after parking in the place that they decided to meet which was at a nice lake that had a garden.

"I'm sure Jungkook. I don't think I'm ready. I'll probably never be ready but I want to do this, I have to do this, I need to talk to her and see her," she says determined.

"Okay, let's get go then," he says. She nods as they both come out of the car and close the doors. Jungkook locks the car before proceeding to walk to the spot their mother specifically told them to meet at.

Kyungmi was actually already there. She had arrived 10 mins earlier by accident. She guessed it must be the nerves, the nerve of seeing her daughter again for the second time since that one day at school. The nerve to know if her relationship with them would ever have a chance to be repaired of if she's going to lose them for good.

Kyungmi didn't know what to expect. She hoped for the best but she also knew when to be realistic. She also knew this would be hard but she had to do it. She owed it to them to explain what happened, why she left and why she's back.

She breathed in as she looked at the time and waited for children to arrive. She looked to the left and freezed when she saw Eunjae and Jungkook walking together and looking for her.

She stops and tries not to cry so fast.

She felt so happy and emotional by just seeing the two of them together. She keeps a small smile.

Jungkook looks around and nods when he spots her. Jungkook elbows her sisters shoulder a little to signal to her where their mother was. Eunjae looked and hardened a little. She sees the both approach her slowly and stand in front of her.

"Jungkook, Eunjae. You guys arrived, thank you for deciding to meet up with me to explain!" She says, to both with a tiny smile. They both nod and bow slightly.

"Please sit!" She gestures to the bench on the opposite side of where she was. Both siblings sit down not knowing where to start.

"Know that we aren't doing this for your own benefit or for you, at least I'm not. I'm here because I need answers from you. I need to get answers to question I've had for the past 15 years," Eunjae speaks with a very hard tone surprising Jungkook.

He's never heard her speak with such coldness.

Kyungmi nods, she knew and expected Eunjae to be the coldest out of the both. It was only fair when she hadn't know her yet unlike Jungkook. She didn't get the chance to know how she is now and how she thinks, so it's fair, but still it makes Kyungmi more nervous and a little hurt inside.

"I completely understand. And I'm here to answer any question you guys may have. Just know that I don't expect you guys to want a relationship with me after I tell you everything either, I just want to put it out. Would I love to? Yes, but I also know that I'm not deserving of one, but I just thank you for at least hearing me out," she says frowning. Jungkook frowns too.

"Again it's for us not for you," Eunjae repeats.

"We know. But let's get started shouldn't we? I think I'll take the lead and ask that although I understand why you didn't tell me I was your son, I do want to know why you left. So why did you leave? Were we truly not at fault for you leaving? What happened if all our memories that I can remember we were a happy family? What went wrong?" Jungkook asked, knowing his sister had the same questions.

"That fair. I want to start out by saying that I didn't leave because you guys had any fault. You guys have no fault for my reason on leaving at all. Nor was it because I stopped loving you guys, I know that you won't believe me, and maybe I didn't do it right, but it was because of the big love and care that I have for you all three that I left. You guys never did anything wrong. Neither did you it father," she shakes her head.

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