Chapter 2

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I woke up when beams of sunlight shone through the window. I sat up groggily and stretched, a long yawn escaped my mouth. Ah, what a sleep! Don't get me wrong, I love my 1 bedroom apartment, but the monastery felt so-homely and comfortable to me.Even though I destroyed it with the Crystal Council. How ironic. I rubbed my eyes and yawned again, this time getting off the soft, fluffy mattress that instantly coaxed me to sleep. For the rest of this week, I was going to stay in the monastery with the rest of the ninja.Thank goodness the Commissioner had an important investigation to get onto, or I would have another week's worth of community service, but Lloyd convinced him that they'll be with me for the week. My thoughts unconsciously drifted to the other day...

"Ninja are you sure you can take care of her?", The Police Commissioner asked the rest of the ninja worriedly, in a quiet voice so that I couldn't hear. Well--i was known for hearing many of the palace's secrets--no matter how concealed.

"She's a rightful citizen of Ninjago, isn't she Commissioner?"Lloyd asked, widening his eyes in a put-on innocent face

"Yes,yes but-complications, Green Ninja"

For a moment, I thought I had seen a twist of sadness, guilt and regret flash on Lloyd's face when the Commissioner said 'complications'.But, when I blinked, the heartbroken look was gone. Instead it was replaced by a serene smile.

"Don't you worry Commissioner, she's a good person now."

"Oh, believe me, I know. Great improvement from the girl, I tell you."

Lloyd nodded and smiled,"We'll take care of her."Those words made me want to roll my eyes but I resisted. I could have sworn I saw Lloyd stifling a laugh, I sighed.

Once the Commissioner left, Lloyd turned to face me, and before I could even shoot him a sarcastic remark, he threw his arms around my shoulders and hugged me and laughed so happily that even I had to smile.

I shook myself from my thoughts. I was still standing. With my pajamas. Great. I hastily got myself dressed and splashed red face paint across my face, because, why not? Just because I wasn't a villain anymore, didn't mean I had to stop being completely myself, right? I decided to wear my Jade green hood and black leggings. Not a very standard attire, but it

I paused, gazing at myself warily in the mirror. When was the last time I had been myself? I couldn't even remember. I was grown up with so many changes it was almost too overwhelming. First, I was just a regular child with normal parents living in Ninjago, the next I orphan, adopted by the Emperor and Empress, becoming the princess of Ninjago, leading me to seek revenge against the Ninja, becoming The Quiet One, the one who always gets away. The herald of the Crystal King, and now...

I wasn't so sure. I pursed my lips as I pondered at the thought. A slight knock of the door shook me out of my reverie. I stumbled back and ran for the door. Hoping, delightfully hoping, that Lloyd would be the first person I would see this morning. I swung open the door excitedly. Of course, I was wrong.

There stood Lloyd's Uncle, Wu. Master Wu. Son of the First Spinjitzu Master. My overexcited smile instantly faded as I gulped, settling in for a timid smile.

"Good Morning Master Wu", I greeted, feeling a little embarrassed.

He chuckled,"Good Morning Harumi. I gather...that you were expecting to see someone else?"

My eyes slightly widened and I let out a cough, trying to hide the fact of my slightly red face,"Uhmmm--No! Nuh-uh, uh. I mean no-No." I cleared my throat.

Master Wu merely chuckled and smiled,"Anyway, I was hoping to ask for a small favor, if that it is alright."

"Of course Master Wu!,"I said as the two of us walked through the monastery's newly built hallways,"I would be happy to!"

"Very well", Master Wu replied,"For the next couple of days, I will have multiple training sessions for each of my pupils. Old...and new."

"I think training new students would be great Master, but...why the ninjas?"

Master Wu gave me an incredulous look that made me feel like I was missing something so obvious," You haven't noticed?"

I wondered what would be best: to act like I do know what he's talking about, or just act dumb.

I decided to act dumb. I tilted my head in confusion. Master Wu sighed.

"The ninja have been acting...strange. Not at all the way they were whenever they save Ninjago.I'm worried."

Then it clicked.

"Oh...", I said, understanding,"I think its just because they lost their powers, Master Wu."

"This isn't the first time it has happened."

"Yeah...but that doesn't change the fact that they might not get it back now, as it returned to how it originally came from."

Master Wu looked at me sadly," I suppose you are right."

"I don't believe that though,"I said desperately,"True power is never truly lost, right?"

Master Wu smiled gently,"You have a wise mind, Harumi."

I smiled back. We continued our way slowly around the monastery.

"But that isn't what I wan't to talk to you about,"Master Wu continued after a short pause," We were talking about training pupils."


"How would you like to train a couple of pupils yourself?",Master Wu asked, turning to face me.

I was speechless. Me? Teaching? Training?

"W-who do I have to train?",I asked, my eyes widened at the thought.

Master Wu chuckled,"Only a few, don't worry. We'll start small. With the ninja."

My dilated eyeballs bugged out even wider, I think I looked like an owl,"Th-that's not so small, Master, I think that's leaping a bit too high. And besides, why can't Lloyd do it?Or PIXAL?Or-"

"It's the perfect leap to take Harumi,"Wu interrupted me coolly," The ninja require expert training on coordination, balance and offense. And I know you're the best person for the job."

"How do you even know I'm even capable of that?",I asked, incredulous that he though I had balance.

"Lloyd told me", he said, quite as-a-matter-of-fact way.

My face flushed. He really said that? Idiot.

"Nevertheless,"he continued, ignoring the flushed red human being beside him,"I agree with him, because this is just the thing you need in order to befriend the rest of the ninja."

I froze. My chest heaved as beads of sweat trailed across the back of my neck. Oh no. I can't do that!

"Harumi?", Master Wu asked worriedly,"Is everything-"

"Master Wu! You cant do this to me! They hate me! The absolutely despise me! I mean, really, who can blame them though? I betrayed them, tried to murder them, even attempting to destroy the city they love a hundred times over!"

I kept on ranting, ranting, until Master Wu held up a calm yet firm hand up. I silenced myself immediately. I was good at that.

"The past is the past Harumi," He said calmly," You nor I, nor anyone, for that matter, can change anything, but we can change ourselves for the better, present and future. Never put of till tomorrow for what can be done today."

And with that complex monologue, the old man entered his room and closed it with a soft thud. I sighed. This was gonna be a looooooongg day.

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