Harumi's POV
I charged, and Kane waited till I made the first move. A real gentleman. I grunted, slashing my sword towards his face, but he dodged and swerved, his black cloak whipped across the afternoon sky. He swiped one leg under me, attempting to lose my balance, but I jumped, stepping on his foot.
He yelped, jumping back up to his feet.
"What was that for?!" He said in a pained voice, stretching his leg.
I pointed to the side of my forehead of where he slashed, which still rained with blood, making me feel woozy the more I thought about it.
"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to slash your swords on women?", I taunted.
His eyes widened, and his face looked dead angry now. Uh-Oh.
"She never had time to", Kane growled.
He slashed his sword towards me, making my just barely side-step away from his offences. I felt a slash on my cheek—my cheek powdered with blood.
I heaved for breath, rolling away from Kane—trying to catch my breath.
"You wanna know why?", he continued, raising his sword towards me,"Because it was all your fault, Harumi." He sneered.
My eyes widened in shock and surprise. Before I knew it, Kane was running fast towards me, his eyes ferociously awaiting for his kill—me.
He wanted to kill me.
Because of what I did...
I couldn't move. I couldn't say anything. Not even a plea for help. I just—stood.
As I saw the shining tip of Kane's sword flash towards my face, and I cringed, my eyes shutting close.
Suddenly, I felt a weight shove me towards the floor deck, and the sword that should have impaled me, struck to the wooden wall instead.
I gasped as I tried to grab as much as air as I could, and I realised why I was still pinned to the ground.
My eyes widened as he still hovered protectively around me. He helped me up, and dusted my shoulders, his face concerned.
"Harumi!", he said, his face wild in concern. Of course.
"Its okay!", I gripped his shoulder,"i'm fine!" I tried convincing him, but the crack in my voice gave me away, as I felt the blood on my forehead gush out.
His eyes never left my face. His hand inched towards my forehead.
Suddenly, a sword flew right in front of our faces. Both with our eyes wide and postures tense, we jumped out of the way to opposite sides and slammed on to the floor deck. I heard a growl of frustration.
"Ha, would you look at that,"I turned my head up towards Kane as I steadied myself," The kid's learnt a few tricks." I wiped the blood out of my eyes. Kane's eyes narrowed, and he straightened, reaching for his coat's pocket.
Lloyd lunged forward, charging towards Kane, who wore a very irritated expression. Kane brought out two long knives and scraped them together, sharpening it with a loud screech. Lloyd slashed and leaped, summoning a powerful green energy wave towards Kane, who deftly dodged Lloyd's advances.
Kane parried off Lloyd's sword with his knives, kicking him out of the way, sending Lloyd flying.
"Lloyd!", I gasped.
His head banged on the wooden wall and he groaned, stumbling back up.
I shuffled a bit further from Kane, and luckily, he didn't seem to notice. His target was now on Lloyd.

Ninjago- "An ending is really just a new beginning" (BOOK 1)
FanficHi guys! This is my first time actually writing a book and publishing it! So this story takes place after crystalized. The ninja have still not yet found their powers, Harumi is struggling to fit in with her new self--as a normal person in Ninjago...