Harumi's POV
"Hello Harumi", the voice said.
My eyes widened, recognizing the voice immediately.
Suddenly, I felt a surge of anger through me, and I fumed.
"You", I spat.
"Ah—just as I thought", the voice said smugly,"You do recognize me—I knew Lloyd would tell you eventually."
"What do you want with him?", I growled,"And who are you?How do you know my name?"
The voice buzzed, laughing,"Who doesn't know you,Harumi? You're the most famous villain alive!"
I narrowed my eyes,"Former, villain—thank you very much."I muttered.
"Ah yes", the voice sighed in a put-on melancholy tone,"I heard you were on a path to redemption—a path completely out of your style, if you ask me."
I remained silent, clenching my fist.
"What a shame, to lose a rather victorious villain—who couldn't help but change sides as she saw a minor change in perspective."he said in a mock-saddened tone.
"Finding out that the Overlord created the devourer and killed my parents is not a minor change in perspective,"I said through clenched teeth,"I found out the truth."
"Hmm...", the voiced hummed monotonously, sounding neither male or female,"Well someone sounds angry. Look at the time! I should be on my way now."
"That's all you needed to say to me?", I asked, anger surged but well hidden in my voice.
"Oh?Oh! Yes, I did need to tell you something rather important,"the voice said in a mild sarcastic tone,"But if you must know; we're watching, Harumi. You may be trying to be part of the ninja and their little resistance—but it's hopeless, especially for you. If you think Lloyd—or ANYONE for that matter, cares even the slightest about you—consider yourself VERY wrong. The battle between light and darkness may have settled for now...but be prepared—for the worst is yet to come."
The caller hung up.
I stood, frozen. The phone still on my ear.
My ears blared, and my vision tunneled.
"Harumi?", I heard a girl's voice knock on my door, but I couldn't reach—it felt—so far away...and blurry.
Shadows lingered dully in my view, till all I saw—was darkness.
My eyes widened as I tried to clear the dark shadows from my view, but I only heard a laugh—as if it were right next to me.
"Harumi", I heard the voice of the Crystal King rumble through my ears,"Awaken."
"Now you are alone—again", his voice taunted.
I blinked—my breathing hitched.
"You chose the wrong side, Harumi."he said, raising his gigantic fist on my face, ready to strike.
I gasped—not feeling my lungs.
"Harumi? Harumi!"
I dropped to the floor, ears ringing.
"Spray some more cold water on her", a faraway voice shouted.
"There's no more!", another voice yelled back, but the voices sounded muffled—as if I was hearing everything underwater.
Was that Jay? I wasn't so sure—I couldn't hear clearly.

Ninjago- "An ending is really just a new beginning" (BOOK 1)
FanfictionHi guys! This is my first time actually writing a book and publishing it! So this story takes place after crystalized. The ninja have still not yet found their powers, Harumi is struggling to fit in with her new self--as a normal person in Ninjago...