Chapter 9

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Just as Lloyd and I looked at each other in fear, I heard some footsteps coming from Nya's room. I panicked.

Without turning back I ran as silently and as fast as I could, dragging Lloyd with me. We didn't stop running till we had reached my room. I swerved the door open and—as silently as I could, closed it shut.

Lloyd gasped a breath,"That was close."

I looked at him with wide pupils,"You think?!"

He threw his hands up in defense,"Hey, Hey—It wasn't my fault, the floorboards were creaky."

I muttered incoherently as I ran a palm across my face in exasperation,"You're a ninja, Lloyd."

He huffed, crossing his arms, he looked at me with a put-on stern expression on his face.

"Now, would you please tell me why you were eavesdropping?" He asked

My eyes widened."I was not eavesdropping!", I said,"I was just on my way to my room—when I heard Jay talk about Nadakhan."

" eavesdropped?", he concluded

"No! I mean—maybe?", I said nervously,"Okay fine! Yes."

Lloyd didn't lower his stern gaze, but he seemed to be struggling to keep a straight face,"So I thought."He said, in a smug tone.

I narrowed my eyes, the conversation that Jay and Nya just had rang through my head.

"Hey,"Lloyd's face softened into a concerned expression as he caught the worried expression which was plastered on my face,"What's wrong?What happened back there?"

I didn't answer. Instead, I bit my lip, thinking hard.

After many minutes, Lloyd couldn't stay patient any longer. He groaned.

I grunted in frustration as I continuously tapped my forehead,"I can't remember! The name is so familiar to me, I don't know how!"

"My mom and I managed to only find one scroll about Nadakhan," he reminded, looking relieved to finally receiving an answer from me.

"That's It!", I jumped, making Lloyd stumble in surprise,"SCROLLS!!"

Lloyd's arched brows furrowed in confusion,"Uh—like I said, we only found one—

"I heard what you said!", I reassured him," But most of the Library of Domu's scrolls were taken."

"Taken by who?,"Lloyd asked, his voice serious.

"By the Palace of Secrets."I said, emphasizing every word. His eyes widened.

"But the Palace was destroyed!, Lloyd exclaimed in surprise,"And ever since we helped rebuild it, we haven't found a proper emperor to take the throne."

I shook my head, managing a small smile despite the saddening ache in my chest.

"That's not my point.The scrolls were almost completely recovered from the fire,"I said,"None of them were destroyed, thanks to our underground hiding spots."

"So...", he said,"It's still there?"

I snorted,"Nope. It's actually in my apartment. When the Commissioner decided it was time for me to start fresh he offered those scrolls to me, of course, not after I insisted that I would never use them for any evil intention of mine,"I added quietly.

Lloyd gazed at me with anguished eyes, he walked up to me and took my hand.

"I know how hard this must be for you,"He said leaning a little bit so we were directly face to face,"And you don't have to do this, you know."

I nodded slowly, tracing his features with my eyes,"I know—and It's getting easier for me...I just want to help your friends."

His eyes softened. We were both very close now. I took a long, deep breath, closing my eyes, the scent of him wafting around me.

I wanted many things in that moment.

But I couldn't let whatever I wanted to happen right now—I wanted to make him choose me—not feel like he was ever forced to just because he had feelings for me before.

I sighed.

"Let's go and get the scrolls from my apartment now...okay?,"I whispered, my eyes fluttering open.

He looked at me with an expression I couldn't read, until he smiled gently," Ya, let me just get my stuff."

He reluctantly let go of my hand and made his way out of my room. I inhaled sharply, trying to steady the rapid beating in my chest.

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