Chapter 24

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Harumi's POV

"Jimmy!", The Commissioner yelled,"If this is about another toilet paper incident—I don't wanna hear it!"

"Nope", Lloyd said, swinging the door open,"It's just us Commissioner."

The Commissioner looked up from his model boat which he was...still painting?

Huh...I thought I saw him almost done with that—months ago. I shook the thought aside.

"Ninja!", he beamed through his large white mustache,"Good to see you all again!"

They all nodded their head in acknowledgement, the Commissioner turned his head towards me, and I smiled just a little. Unlike Mr. Hounddog McBrag, I preferred the Commissioner's way of...diplomacy, to say at the very least. Yes, Mr, McBrag may have pardoned the Ninja—but that doesn't mean he wanted to let me go. I was Ninjago's most wanted—and I definitely know why. Mr McBrag has every right to look at me with that stink eye of his. I always felt rather uncomfortable around him.

That's why I liked the city's Commissioner—he was much more forward and somewhat caring to me. He wanted to help me to try and be a better citizen, and yes, though he did keep an eye on me several times as I helped rebuild the monastery, he has a soft heart. I hope, one day, ill find someway to repay him.

"Harumi!", he exclaimed, coming over towards me and grasping my hand, shaking it gently.

I smiled, shaking my hand with his,"Its good to see you again, Commissioner."

He nodded, his eyes twinkling brightly,"How was your week with the ninja? I hope they're keeping an eye on you~", The Commissioner added in a humorous tone.

Before I could say anything Lloyd spoke up.

"Of course, Commissioner,"Lloyd insisted, placing a warm hand on my back,"She way too dangerous to leave her out of her sight."He smirked, avoiding my glaring eyes.

"Oh", the Commissioner said, waving his hand,"I think she's alright. Nothing the rest of you Ninjas can't handle."

"She's not a handful at all", Lloyd said, his tone gentler,"She's actually amazing help to us, Commissioner."

He smiled at me warmly, and it took everything in my not to stare at him, I looked away, brushing my hair from the side of my face, smiling slightly.

"Yeah", Kai said,"Without Harumi, we wouldn't even find the scroll about Nadakhan."

The Commissioner's eyes widened,"N-Nadakan?"

We all stopped, staring at him in confusion. I exchanged looks with Lloyd, then with the ninja, and they looked just as mystified as I felt.

But Jay and Nya's reactions somewhat surprised me. They trudged forward, towards the Commissioner, their eyes squinting in symphathy.

"Commissioner", Jay said gently, his hands raised up as if he were trying to calm the nervous-looking police chief,"You may—or may not remember, but—"

"Of course I remember!", the Commissioner yelled, and he slammed his fist on the table, making us all jump.

He sighed, shaking his head.

"Ill never forget that Pirate Genie for my whole life", he visibly shuddered,"Our city—was—in horrible condition, to say at the very least."

Lloyd frowned, looking worried.

Kai stood beside Lloyd, placing a hand on his shoulder as he spoke.

"Hang on", Kai said,"How is it that none of us don't even remember a thing about this wish maker Nadakhan, but somehow, both Jay and Nya—and the Commissioner seem to remember what does that even work?!"

Kai looked around with an incredulous expression, only to be disappointed with shrugs from each ninja. I just looked at Lloyd, who had his 'im working on it' face. It got me wondering what he was thinking about.

He noticed me from the corner of his eye, staring at him. Whoops.

He raised his eyebrow, waiting for a response from me, but I didn't say anything. I just turned towards the Commissioner, who paced around, contemplating as Jay and Nya discussed our new findings and the mysterious stranger who was highly interested in the teapot.

"That's why we need your help, Commissioner,"Jay concluded,"We need to see who exactly has the teapot or has any idea of the teapot's location."

"Before this mysterious person even has the slimmest chance of finding it", Nya continued.

The Commissioner stopped pacing, and he looked towards us with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you need?"he asks.

"What we need is to check the CCTV footage of the city,"Lloyd said,"And find out about the mysterious caller who may have evil motives up his or her sleeve."

The Commissioner sighed,"We have 24 hours of surveillance—and we haven't found any suspicious activity of any kind—but please, see for yourselfs—nothing but the ordinary."


The Commissioner picked it up,"What is is Jimmy?", he sighed.

After a few minutes, The Commissioner groaned—placing the phone down.

He looked at us,"I think you should check the CCTV cameras now—Jimmy said that he spotted a black cloaked figure here and there, around the city."

Lloyd raised his eyebrow,"Definitely suspicious. Come on, guys."

The others including the Commissioner dispersed, but I stood, pondering.

Black cloaked figure? In the bright, sunny afternoon?

"Harumi?", Lloyd asked, peeking out from the door, his eyes shining,"You coming?"

I snapped out of my thoughts, looking over my shoulder," coming."

He left, and I gazed at the view of the city, Borg Tower's windows winking from the sunlight.

...Something didn't seem right.

A/N-I am so sorry. I know, i know, its rushed--but i just didn't know how to end this chapter smoothly--i blame writer's block! Anyway, don't leave yet, another chapter coming your way todayyy--so just give me a couple of hours!!! BYE FOR NOW:))

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