Chapter 13

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Harumi's POV

My eyes widened in alarm.

Lloyd ran to him, eyes wide,"Jay! Are you—

Jay groaned, looking up at him," Remind me to never, EVER, compete with Cole in an eating competition. That guy's stomach is a never-ending vortex." He put an arm around his eyes dramatically.

"Hey!", shouted Cole's voice from somewhere outside,"I heard that!"

Lloyd narrowed his eyes, while Kai burst into laughter.

"You gotta admit Jay", Kai managed to choke out,"At least you shocked that competition, eh?" He raised his eyebrows up and down.

I couldn't help but chuckle quietly, but everyone heard it. Lloyd looked at me in exasperation, I managed to stop, grinning at him sheepishly.

"See?", Kai said, pointing to me,"Even Harumi''s laughing!" He said smugly.

Jay took his arm off of his eyes, shaking his head at me. I stifled from laughing at his expression.

Lloyd rubbed his temple,"Okay", he said, shifting the box with his left hand and using his right hand to lightly tug the small of my back. My heart stumbled.

"Can we go now?", Lloyd asks me. I managed to nod, despite the rapid beating in my ears.

He gently pushes me to his room, and It took everything in me not to laugh as his hand was at my side. Yes, yes. Surprise, surprise. I, Harumi, The former herald to the Crystal King, was ticklish.

As we entered his room he dropped his duffel bag on the floor and sighed.

I gently pry the box out of his hand, which was, to my surprise, quite easily achieved. I looked at him, and he nodded,"Let's do this."


"No,no,no", Lloyd said, shoving the unwanted scrolls way from him,"This is hopeless!"

I was too busy to see his expression, and, as I studied every tiny detail of each scroll, it clearly frustrated him even more. He groaned again, and I looked up in annoyance.

"We've been through this for hours, and this box isn't even half empty yet!" Lloyd groaned in frustration.

I raised my eyebrows," I thought you were the patient one."

"No, it's actually Master Wu." He shot back glumly.

I rolled my eyes, continuing to read on the almost 12 feet long scroll,"The quicker we get his done, the sooner we can help your friends."

I didn't wait for his answer, as I shoed another pile of scrolls into his lap.

Hours past. The day became just a dark shade of navy blue.

I yawned, stretching. I looked over my scroll, half expecting Lloyd to be asleep, but, to my surprise, he was focusing intently on the scroll, his brows furrowed and scrunched up in a serious face—and it looked adorable.

He must have sensed my gaze on him, because his eyes snapped to me,"Yes?"he asked, innocently. I flushed, my eyes darting back to the scroll.

"Nothing,"I muttered, my heart beating as I was caught red-handed for staring at him.

"Why are you—", he began to ask slowly, but their was a knock on the door. I sat up straighter from my position at the edge of the bed, but Lloyd remained relaxed, his stomach rested on the bed, while his legs dangled in the air, his hand leaning against his cheek.

"Come in", he said casually.

The door slid open, and Misako entered. My eyes lowered back to the scroll and I gripped the parchment.

Though Lloyd's mom never had never shown hate for me coming here, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I was the one who kidnapped her—imprisoned her only son, tortured him, hurt him even more—

"Harumi?", I suddenly heard Lloyd call me. I snapped from my thoughts. He was gripping my hand across the bed, his face twisted in concern and worry.

"Yeah,yeah", I said, quickly,"I'm fine."

He didn't look convinced,"My mother was just asking if you wanted dinner now."

"Oh!", I said, turning to Misako, who had a warm smile on her face,"I would love to, Mrs. Garmadon, but I'm afraid I'll still be quite occupied with these scrolls—you go ahead Lloyd."

"Nonsense,"Misako insisted," I wouldn't leave our guest starving all night! You're going to join us, dear. And please, call me Misako."

I smiled at her, a small feeling lifting up onto my chest,"Thank you, I'll be there."

She beamed, closing the door behind her as she left.

I turned to Lloyd, who was still looking concerned,"Are you sure you're alright? You scared me there for a second."He chuckled.

I nodded to him in reassurance, getting up,"Of course I am, Now come on! Zane's cooking, remember?"

He grinned,"That's the spirit. I'll catch up with you, you go on ahead."

I beamed, leaving the room with a peculiar feeling in my chest as I felt Lloyd watching me from behind. I smiled at my ridiculous fantasies. How childish were they.

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