Chapter 27

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Lloyd's POV

Kane—or Hunter, whatever—still held the blade to my throat. One wrong move, and he might as well slash my head off—ugh, things were already starting to go downhill already!

My friends and I glared at Kane, who stared back, his face looking calm and collected as he glared back at me blankly.

There was a heavy silence—but not for long.

Jay snorted out a laugh, shaking his head as he grinned.

Everyone including Kane, turned their irritated faces towards him.

I stared at Jay, pointedly glaring at him now, but he avoided my gaze and continued laughing.

"Seriously?", Jay bubbled a laugh,"Hunter? That's your way of intimidating your prisoners? By telling them to call you 'Hunter?', yeah real joke kid." Jay giggled.

Kane simply looked back at Jay, his voice a deadly calm.

"Do I look like a kid to you, Mr. Walker?"Kate asked.

"Well", Jay frowned,"You do look like someone our age, but—since we're much more matured, I just assumed—"

Jay didn't finish, he only gasped—as Kane's sword pressed against his chin. Nya gasped in shock.

I could finally breathe. I felt the slight gash under my chin, where Kane turned his blade towards Jay next to me.

The blade was pressed for so long on my throat—I didn't realize that I was literally heaving silently for air.

Through the ropes, I felt a small, gentle and warm grip on my palm. I glanced at Harumi from the corner of my eye and squeezed her hand back.

I heard her sigh quietly in relief.

A warm feeling rushed into me, a comforting feeling. Kane's wretched, annoyingly soothing voice snapped me back to reality.

"Your assumptions may be accurate, Mr. Walker", Kane said calmly,"But—taken that I lured you 'mature' ninja over here, I think— I already have a head start on this one."Kane pouted.

"I'll give you a 'head start'", Nya said, clenching her teeth angrily,"You—pencil—pusher!" She tried her best to struggle out of the ropes.

Kane glided smoothly around us so he could face Nya, who wore a deadly glare on her face.

"Ah Nya", Kane said, smiling,"You have an old friend waiting for you~"

Nya's expression faltered, as it swirled in confusion,"Me?"

"Welllll.....", Kane dragged on,"Mostly you—and your highly annoying boyfriend—but, he has been waiting for you all for years." Kane shook his head, chuckling.

The six of us were dead silent.

"How do you even know us?", I asked, my eyes narrowing.

Kane looked at me,"Who doesn't know you , Green Ninja", Kane sneered,"—destined to defeat his father—the chosen one—our heroic savior." Kane smirked.

My heart sank—I couldn't reply. My throat felt clogged.

Harumi leaned forward, her eyes ferociously glaring at Kane.

"What do you even want?", Harumi growled," Because if you intend to destroy the ninja—oh, that would be a very grave mistake, Mr. Blackwood", her voice oozed with sarcasm and irritation,"But please—enlighten us. Begin your 'evil plan' speech—we're waiting." She leaned back in a straighter position, her face smug.

"I like her much better on our side", I heard Jay whisper in my ear quietly. My mouth twitched as I thought the exact same thing.

Kane only glared at Harumi, as she wore a proud expression—a face that showed superiority as well as authority.

"I don't have to Princess", he sneered at the word 'princess',"Because you're going to have a first row seat to what I have in store for you"He smirked, his eyes glinting dangerously.

Harumi frowned.

I turned my head back to Kane, frowning slightly myself.

"What do you mean?", I asked, my tone sounding just as puzzled as I felt,"And what does this have to do with her mostly?"

Kane tilted his head, contemplating.

"Well,"he said, after a minute of silence,"So many obvious questions—many easy yet complicated answers—which will be answered in time." He merely smiled.

My heart started beating faster, If this was a whole 'revenge-plot' on Harumi, it would be only right to assume that Harumi made Kane lose something very important to him.

"Whatever your planning Kane", I said quickly as he paced away from us," Its not going to work out—Im telling you. Harumi's changed—she knows what she did wrong and she's here with us to correct them." I said desperately, as Kane already started shaking his head.

"Oh Lloyd", Kane sighed, turning back to face us,"But—mistakes ALWAYS have their consequences—you of all people should know that." He looked at me grimly.

I felt Harumi flinch.

"Don't think I don't know that, Quiet One", Kane continued, staring emotionlessly down at her,"But—"

Kane looked back at me, his blue eyes demanding.

"I assure you, Son of Garmadon—she will pay for what she has done.",he clenched his teeth, raising his sword towards Harumi's forehead. My heart stumbled, and I was barely unable to contain my gasp. Nya, Kai, Cole and Jay all screamed in protest, as the tip of Kane's blade pressed against her head.

Kane smiled, looking so at peace with what he was doing.

I looked at him pleadingly,"Please", I croaked,"Don't."

I felt helpless as I tried to untie myself from the air-choking ropes,=.

Kane ignored my pleas and my friends' shouts, and roughly lowered his blade, causing Harumi to hiss in pain.

My eyes widened as I saw a trickle of fresh ruby-red blood stream across her face to her chin. Nya gasped.

Kane laughed as he stared at our anguished and shocked faces.

I glared at him, feeling my hands getting warmer and warmer.

"You took revenge by destroying the city, Harumi", he said,"But—'re gonna have the time of your life—feeling the exact way people felt after you ruined their lives."

He glared at her, and she lowered her head, looking stung.

Then, a sudden burst of green energy lit around us and the ship, and I burst open the ropes, glaring at Kane fiercely. 

A/N- Holā fello readers!! How are you guys doing? I am so sorry for the delay, i have mock exams coming up and im supperr busyy. Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter! What do you think is going to happen noe? What do you think about the new male villain the ninja are facing? Is the villain totally cliche, or not what you expected? Let me know all your thoughts in the comments!! Byeeeeeee!!!

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