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The day of the Busch Clash arrived with a tension thick enough to slice through the sweltering North Carolina air. Bailey moved through the garage like a ghost, her eyes darting nervously as she avoided any lingering glances with Chase. It was a stark departure from their usual banter-filled camaraderie, leaving the entire team baffled by her sudden withdrawal.

As Bailey reluctantly accompanied Chase to the garage, the weight of her avoidance hung heavy between them. The air crackled with unspoken tension as they navigated the bustling crowd of fans clamoring for Chase's autograph.

Sensing an opportunity to address the elephant in the room, Chase halted in his tracks, causing Bailey to pivot on her heel in surprise.

"Bailey, what's wrong?" His voice was hushed, an urgent plea hidden within the whispered words.

Her pulse quickening, Bailey struggled to maintain her composure. "Nothing is wrong, Chase," she deflected, her tone terse, masking the turmoil beneath the surface.

Chase's brows furrowed in frustration, his concern evident. "There has to be a reason. Just tell me," he implored, his voice laced with desperation.

A thousand thoughts raced through Bailey's mind, each one a tangled web of conflicting emotions. She couldn't bring herself to admit the truth, not here, not now.

"Chase, we're going to be late for your autograph session," she interjected, her voice strained. "And I'd rather not have your sponsors on my case. So let's go."

His expression softened momentarily, but the plea remained in his eyes. "But—"

"Chase, drop it," Bailey cut him off, her resolve faltering as she turned away, the weight of her unspoken truth heavy on her shoulders. "Let's just get this done."

With a heavy sigh, Chase followed suit, casting a lingering glance at Bailey's retreating figure before reluctantly trailing after her. The tension between them lingered, a palpable reminder of the unspoken words hanging in the air.


After the autograph session concluded, Chase made another attempt to approach Bailey, only to be intercepted by Alan, who whisked him away under the guise of discussing race strategy

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After the autograph session concluded, Chase made another attempt to approach Bailey, only to be intercepted by Alan, who whisked him away under the guise of discussing race strategy. Seizing the opportunity, Bailey slipped away unnoticed, seeking refuge in the solitude of the team's pit box before the day's events unfolded.

Lost in her thoughts, Bailey failed to notice Avery's quiet ascent to the pit box, only realizing her presence when Avery settled beside her with a soft greeting.

"There you are! I've been searching high and low for you," Avery remarked, her voice filled with warmth.

Bailey offered a faint smile, grateful for her friend's company. "Hey. What brings you over here?"

"Just wanted to catch up before the chaos descends," Avery chuckled softly. "Are you alright? You seemed a million miles away."

Bailey sighed, the weight of her inner turmoil pressing down on her. "Yeah, it's just... Chase and me."

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