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"After the meeting, I realized that NASCAR's plans are still up in the air. They're talking about possibly organizing virtual races until we can hit the tracks again," Mr. Hendrick informed the team through the confines of the Skype call, his expression reflecting the uncertainty of the situation. "As soon as we have more concrete information, we'll update everyone. Until then, enjoy the next few days off."

Bailey listened attentively, her mind already whirling with possibilities. Originally, she had intended to spend the Easter break with her family in Chicago. However, with the current circumstances keeping the season on hold for the next few weeks, she pondered the idea of extending her stay and surprising her family with a longer visit.

As the virtual meeting concluded, Bailey reached for her phone, perched on the couch beside her. With a quick swipe, she dialed Chase's number, her fingers tapping anxiously on the device's screen as it rang.

[Phone Conversation Between Bailey and Chase]

Hey babe! What's up?

Hey. I have a question for you.


Would you be okay with me visiting Chicago to visit my family until after Easter break?

Why wouldn't I be okay with that?

I don't know. I know I told you about me going, but that was before we got together and before the season was put on pause...I just wanted to make sure you'd be okay with it.

Babe, it's okay. Of course, I'm OK with you going to Chicago for a few extra weeks. You don't need my permission. I'm not your ex. I promise!

I know. I know you're not. It's just a habit. Are you sure you're okay with me going? I still have to ask Mr. H if I can go.

I'm positive. Mr. Hendrick will allow you to go. He knows you don't have any of your family around as we all do; he'll understand wanting to take advantage of the extra time.

Are you sure?

I assure you, Bailey, he'll be just fine with it. Have fun. Please share your location with me, so I know you get there safely.

I will.

Alright. I have to go. Talk later?

Alright, have fun! Bye!


[End of Phone Conversation]

Feeling relieved that Chase was fine with her extended stay in Chicago, Bailey mentally resolved not to rely on his approval for every decision. With that settled, she turned her attention to seeking permission from Mr. Hendrick. Swiftly composing a message on her phone, she politely asked for his approval to spend additional time in Chicago.

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