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The day after Chase's triumph at Charlotte Motor Speedway felt like a whirlwind for Bailey. Her social media feeds exploded with notifications, eclipsing even the frenzy that followed her announcement as part of the Hendrick Motorsports team. It left her torn; while relieved that she and Chase could finally be open about their relationship, she couldn't shake a pang of nostalgia for the days when their romance was known only to a select few.

"Are you okay?" Chase's arms enveloped her from behind as she bustled about the kitchen, preparing dinner for them both.

Bailey paused, startled by the sudden embrace, before turning to meet Chase's concerned gaze. "Yeah, why do you ask?" she replied, puzzled by his uncharacteristic display of affection. "What's going on?"

Chase chuckled softly, his fingers gently tracing circles on her waist. "Just checking in. I know you're not exactly thrilled about our relationship going public, and with all the social media buzz, I wanted to make sure you're holding up okay."

Sensing his sincerity, Bailey felt a rush of gratitude for his understanding. His embrace loosened, giving her the space to meet his gaze directly as she opened up about her conflicting emotions.

"I promise you I am okay. I'll get used to it. I was already kind of accustomed to the attention, being your social media manager, but now that it's known I'm your girlfriend, it feels a little different. Suddenly, people are more focused on the fact that you and I are together than my job," Bailey confessed honestly, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "In the hours following your finish line interview, I was bombarded with emails from both NASCAR on NBC and Fox, asking if you and I could do an interview discussing how we balance our relationship personally and professionally."

Chase was taken aback. He knew the networks could be nosy, but he never expected them to email Bailey asking for an interview about their relationship.

"You're joking," Chase exclaimed, still trying to process the request.

Bailey reached for her phone, swiftly pulling up the email she had received from Fox. "Here," she said, passing him her phone, "Read the email."


 Subject: Invitation for Interview with Fox Sports

Dear Bailey Halstead,

Following the recent revelation of your relationship with the NAPA Chevrolet driver, we are excited to extend an invitation to you and Chase for an interview over Zoom with Shannon Spake. The interview will focus on exploring how you successfully navigate the intricacies of your personal and professional relationship.

We are eager to hear from you and hope to schedule the interview at your earliest convenience.

Warm regards,

The Fox Sports Team

Authors note: I know NBC and Fox would NOT do this. This is simply for the story.


"Do they not realize how utterly unprofessional it is to ask someone that?" Chase queried, handing Bailey her phone back with a disbelieving expression.

"One would think so, but I suppose they're eager to get ahead of NBC's coverage on our relationship," Bailey remarked, rolling her eyes at the absurdity of the situation.

"Why the sudden fascination with our relationship? What's so captivating about it? Can't people understand that it's nobody's business but ours?"

"Ooh, look at Mr. William Clyde Elliott using big boy words," Bailey teased her boyfriend, a playful glint in her eyes. "But seriously, you're one of the most private drivers on the grid, and suddenly there are photos of you being all flirty and sweet. Did you really not expect people to be interested? It's the same for Avery and Ryan when they decide to go public."

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